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Learning Patterns Of Future Teachers In Relation To Their Study Form

Table 3:

Dimensions/Scales Number of items Examples of items
Learning and regulation activities
A. Proactive, broad use of the mentor 5 I ask my mentor how he or she would deal with the same teaching situation.The practical suggestions my mentor offers to solve a certain problem are always useful in some way.
B. Independent search for conceptual information 5 I search for theoretical information by myself to improve my knowledge about teaching and related issues.I read more about teaching than the prescribed literature on the program.
C. Actively relating theory to practice 3 The theory that is discussed during mentoring activities helps me to interpret my teaching experiences better.The way I want to teach now is the result of constantly connecting theoretical knowledge to my teaching experiences.
D. Developing views/ideas through discussion 4 I search for theoretical information by myself to improve my knowledge about teaching and related issues.I aproach teachers in my school to ask what they think about certain educational innovations.
E. Pupil-oriented evaluation criteria 3 My satisfaction with a lesson is largely determined by the extent to which a good working climate is present in the classroom.I am particularly satisfied with a lesson when pupils' engagement during lessons signals that the subject matter has come across.
Emotion regulation
F. Avoidance (recoded) 5 I try to determine my own contribution to a lesson that went wrong.After a lesson that has gone badly, I try to find a solution for the next lesson.
G. Preoccupation 4 It takes a while before I have processed a bad teaching experience.When a lesson gets out of hand in terms of classroom management, I feel taken aback.
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