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Strategic Management In Aviation Sector: Research On Flight Training Organizations In Turkey

Table 3:

Dependent Variable: STRATEGIC PLAN
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) ,777 ,540 1,438 ,155
Socio Cultural/Demographic(SC/DE) ,040 ,163 ,025 ,242 ,809
Political(PO) ,332 ,180 ,312* 1,848 ,069*
International(IN) ,054 ,069 ,046 ,789 ,433
Technological(TE) ,099 ,126 ,088 ,782 ,437
Economics(EC) -,407 ,184 -,206** -2,216 ,030**
Marketing(MA) ,608 ,153 ,620*** 3,971 ,000***
Know-how(KH) ,225 ,136 ,133* 1,652 ,100*
Management(MA) -,424 ,185 -,354** -2,291 ,025**
Human resource(HR) ,396 ,111 ,274** 3,585 ,001**
Organizational culture (OC) ,156 ,188 ,074 ,830 ,410
Organization structure(OS) -,129 ,104 -,072 -1,238 ,220
Physical assets(PA) ,332 ,060 ,313*** 5,503 ,000***
Profit and cash flow(PC) -,437 ,130 -,412** -3,362 ,001**
∆F :5,059 ∆R2:0,879
*p<0,10 **p<0,05 ***p<0,001 
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