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Quality Assessment Of Art Education At School: Comparative And Historical Characteristics

Table 1:

№№ Year of the document Document's name Priorities of art education Main activities
1 2 3 4 5
1 1910 Secondary school reform project Spirituality,perseverance, interest Artistic and practical skills
2 1921 Programs of the Unified Labor School first and second stages Creativity, spirituality, education, work Ability to see, listen and hear, understand and create
3 1934 Instructive letter "Training and delivery of standards on the badge "Art to the Children of Working People" A certain amount of knowledge and skills (norms) Theoretical (required amount of knowledge) andpracticalactivity(singing, drawing, sketch, etc.)
4 1943 Primary School Programs General culture, artistic outlook, interest, development of abilities Elementary analysis of works of art, practical activities (singing, drawing, etc.)
5 1974 Basic principles and methods of the music program for general education school Spirituality, culture,dedicationinterest Perception of art,feeling, comprehension
6 1989 The concept of art education as the foundation of the students’ aesthetic education system (project) Artistic exploration of the world, artistic, creative and general aesthetic development Creative perception of art,expanding the experience of artistic creativity
7 2009, 2010, 2012 Federal state educational standards of general education Spiritual and moral development and education, spiritual values and culture, individual development, creative work, etc. Universal learning activities; perception, analysis and evaluation of art, artistic and practical skills
8 2016 The project is science-basedthe concept of modernizing the content and teaching the subject area “Art” technology Artistic culture, artistic development, emotional development of the world, development of artistic and creative abilities Variety of artistic creation,perception of art,  artistic knowledge and skills
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