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Theoretical And Methodological Bases Of The Formation Of Informational Culture Of Cadets

Table 1:

Social order of society and the state for the training of military engineers having informational culture Requirements of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education of training directions 090000, 110000 and professional standards of group 06
Aim block Aim The formation of informational culture of future military engineer
Tasks The formation of cognitive competencies, the formation of communicative competences, the formation of information and technological competences, the formation of informational and legal culture and ethics of informational interaction
Theoretical and methodological unit Methodological basis Interdisciplinary, informational, activity-based, competence-based, technological, student-centered and synergistic approaches
The components of information culture of cadets of military engineering specialties
Сognitive: knowledge and ideas about the informational picture of the world Communicative: principles and rules of individual behavior in the informational society Operational and substantive: practical skills connected with the receipt, storage, processing and transmission of information Value-reflective: attitudes, assessments and relationship towards the information society
Organizational and technological unit Types of information activities of cadets
Educational Educational and professional Military and scientific work
Forms Lectures and seminars Practical training Independent study
Methods Technologies of development of critical thinking Informational and communication technologies, project method Technologies of effective bibliographic search, search and behavior on the Internet
Didactic support Electronic interdisciplinary complexes on sets of systemically related disciplines aimed at the formation of cognitive, communication, informational and technological competencies
Pedagogical conditions
Improving the organization of the educational process on the basis of increasing motivation for informational activities, integration of the content, forms and methods of teaching of humanitarian, socio-economic, natural sciences and general professional disciplines and the use of electronic interdisciplinary complexes
Diagnostic and criterial block Criteria for the formation of cadet’s informational culture
The degree of formation of motivation for informational activities The degree of formation of cognitive and communicative competences The degree of formation of informational and technological competencies The degree of formation of value installations
Indicators of the formation of cadet’s informational culture
Motivation Knowledge Knowledge and skills Competencies
Levels of the formation of cadet’s informational culture
Low Middle High
Result: A graduate of the military engineering specialty with informational culture
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