The most valuable resource for an agency is the employees within it. Elements that exist in an agency will not run without the employee responsible for running it. However, employees must have good ability and competence, which is why employees become a valuable resource for an agency. The fierce competition that occurs in the scope of Human Resources becomes a challenge for agencies in Indonesia to continue to develop employees to be the best employees who have the required competencies. As time passes, the required competencies are more difficult to obtain. An agency in such a way should be able to prepare the needs of employees in order to meet the increasingly complex needs and answer the competition that occurs in the scope of Human Resource. Methods of data collection using questionnaire survey method that was distributed to several respondents. Questionnaires processed using SPSS
Keywords: Talent managementcompetenceemployee career developmenthuman resource management
Every employee certainly wants a promising career path in the future. Employee with a good quality can be seen from the career development carried out by the company towards employees, usually through the development of talented employees, training and other types of career development for employees conducted by each company. A survey found that of the 17,632 correspondents in the survey conducted in October 2014, 73% of employees felt dissatisfaction with their work, as well as 54% of employees had a mismatch of educational background towards their work which affected the small likelihood of increasing the career path of employees in the company. Then, 60% of correspondents stated in the office where employees work did not have a career level for employees. The thing that will be of concern in the company is regarding the implementation of employee career development. Then 53% of employees explain about the style of military leadership that uses a position or position, then paternalis namely the absence of opportunities for employees to develop and laizes faire which frees employees to do anything and superiors tend not to care (Jobstreet, 2017).
The survey released by Linkedin in July 2017 revealed that compensation and benefits are no longer a major factor for professionals in Indonesia to survive in a company. At present the hope of being able to develop a career and position in the company is a reason for them to be able to survive and keep working, this is followed by a balance between life and work (Pratomo, 2017).
Research results from BCG (Boston Consulting Group) and WFMPA (World Federation of People Management Association) predict that Indonesia will experience a shortage of work at managerial level in 2020. In the same year Indonesia is expected to experience an increase in labor requirements supported by the circumstances in which services become fields that will experience rapid growth. Rapid growth at the level of beginner employees in 2020 is expected to reach a 17% increase. This figure is greater than the estimated increase in senior management needs in 2020, which is only 6%. The increase in human resource needs as a workforce reaches the level of 56% whereas according to the same research Indonesia in 2020 will experience a labor shortage of up to 55% at the managerial level (Gewati & Palupi, 2017).
The existence of Talent Pool is quite important in preparing talent within the company, but employees who are not included in the Talent Pool will also be a concern within the company, because it does not mean that employees who are not in the Talent Pool do not have the opportunity to replace important company positions in future. In talent management, specifically Talent Pool does not only cover the process of how the HR field employee knows the potential of other employees in the company, but also discusses how the potential available to employees can be used for a sustainable period. Thunissen (2016) saw a difference in perceptions between organizations and talented employees about talent management. This difference in perception occurs because the problems that occur in each department tend to be different, so the application of talent management adjusts the needs and problem solving in one department only
This study was conducted to determine the application of Talent Management carried out at the Badan Pengusahaan Batam (2017), to know the form of career development contained in the Batam Business Administration Agency and to examine the effect of Talent Management implementation held by the Batam Human Resources Agency's Human Resources Bureau on the career development of Batam Employees. And from this study, it can contribute to company to make some talent mapping for human resource division, with the expectations that it can come up with suitable talent mapping to develop employee career in company.
Problem Statement
Career Development one of them can be seen through resignation, Rivai and Sagala (2013) state that when career opportunities are not given by a company, employees will fulfill their career goals by way of resignation, resignation as a way to develop a career called leveraging. Batam Business Entity isone of the agencies that has the greatest contribution to development Batam city. In carrying out its duties, the Batam Business Entity is certainly have employees who are able to complete their tasks well.In the background description it has been explained that the number of resignations decreased from 2012 to 2015 but increased significantly in the year 2015-2016, in 2016-2017 decreased only 22 employees.
From these figures the author wants to know how the Business Entity Batam seeks to reduce the rate of resignation through career development of employees, and in this case the Batam Business Entity must be able to prepare a good career plan for employees, wrong only by increasing employee competencies that are supported through talent management in the company. The annual performance report is known Human resource development at the Batam Business Entity is still must be improved, among others by providing technical training opportunities according to the needs of the work unit and broader learning tasks for employees potential and established talent mapping for HR career development in accordance with the position and expertise in the field (Batam Business Entity, 2017).
Talent Management is a field of concern for some companies today. Implementation of talent management in the company includes the recruitment process, selection process retain employees within a company. But employees what is maintained is usually employees who have talents or talents. These employees become key employees who will be prepared to occupy a company strategic position. In the implementation of talent management processes usually there is a talent pool. Talent Pool is a container that is contains names of potential employees within the company (Sule & Wahyuningtyas, 2016).
In 2015 the percentage of talent pool reached 11.54% but in 2016 it fell to 11.03% a yearFurthermore, as of October 2017 it reached 10.50% of the decline occurred in within the last 2 years, whereas the Batam Business Entity has the large number of incoming employees in 2015 and 2017 is at in 2015 there were 263 employees and 2017 were 103 employees. In 2016 the number of employees entered is relatively small, with only 22 employees. With the number this means that the Batam Business Entity has prospective employees potential that can be developed to become a talent in the Agency Batam business
In BP Batam's Annual Performance Report for 2016, there were obstacles internal influence on the achievement of the performance goals and objectives of the Agency Batam business is the necessary human resource competence improved (Batam Business Entity, 2017). All administrative activities employees are the responsibility of the bureaus that are under Member 1, for Talent Management and career development employees are also managed by Human Resources Bureau under Members 1. From the description above the author will conduct research on the Effect of Talent Management Implementation on Case Study Employee Career Development for all employees below Member 1 of the Administration and General Affairs of the Batam Business Entity.Top of ForBottom of Form
Research Questions
How is the implementation of talent management in Badan Pengusahaan Batam?
How is the career development in Badan Pengusahaan Batam?
How is the influence of talent management on employee career development in Badan Pengusahaan Batam?
Purpose of the Study
To know the implementation of talent management in Badan Pengusahaan Batam
To know the career development in Badan Pengusahaan Batam
To know the influence of talent management on employee career development in Badan Pengusahaan Batam
Research Methods
In this study, the object of research was employee of Administration and General Affair Badan Pengusahaan Batam which is with 114 population. And sample used in this study were 89 respondents.
To measure the effect, use simple linear regression analysis using SPSS 22. The whole item of questionnaire has tested its reliability and validity. In addition, the classical test (normality and heterokedacity) is also done to ensure that the available data is feasible to be measured regressionally.
The method used is descriptive analysis and explanatory to the results of research obtained through questionnaires and interviews. This method is expected to describe how employees view talent management obtained, how the level of career development, and how it relates talent management with career development.
Demographics Characteristics
The demographics characteristics for respondents’ result are shown on Table
The highest percentage of employees who are respondents this research is in the age range of 31 40 years which is 37% or around 33 employees followed by employees aged 20-30 years 35% or about 31 people then 41-50 years old only 24% and age> 51 years is at 4%. Age > 51 years tends little because in BP Batam, 2018 is the end time or retirement employees who already have a long working period, which is more than average Based on the latest education level of 70% of employees or equivalent to 62 employees are undergraduates or S1 graduates.
This matter because most of the bureaus at the Batam Business Entity determine requirements for bachelor's degree graduates for their employees, especially at the Legal Bureau and Human Resources Organizations and Bureaus under Member 1 Administration and General Affairs Badan Pengusahaan Batam, or around 33 employees followed by employees aged 20-30 years 35% or about 31 people then 41-50 years old only 24% and age > 51 years is at 4%. Age > 51 years tends little because in BP Batam, 2018 is the end time or retirement employees who already have a long working period, which is more than average 20 years.
Hypotheses Testing
In this study also has done the calculation of the t count which shows t count (7,024)> t table (1.98761) means that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, therefore it can be concluded that there is a positive influence between Talent Management on Career Development of all employees. The coefficient of determination (r2) obtained through the calculation process using SPSS 22.0 software is equal to 34.2%, which means that the Talent Management variable has an effect of 34.2% on Career Development of all employees under Member 1 of the Administration and General Affairs of the Badan Pengusahaan Batam and amounting to 65.8% is influenced by other variables
The influence between variables X and Y in this study can be known based on the tests performed with the t test and the criteria for the value of t count (7,204)> the value of t table (1,66256 Pr) (1,98761 Df) can mean that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. Thus, there is a positive influence between Talent Management and Career Development of employees on all employees under Member 1 of the Administration and General Affairs of the Batam Business Entity. Then from the coefficient of determination (r 2) obtained through the calculation using SPSS 22.0 software is 0.342 which means that talent management as an independent variable has a 34.2% influence on the dependent variable that is career development. While the results of this study are in accordance with the research conducted by Irmawaty and Hamdani (2016) which obtained the results of research that shows that Talent Management significantly influences employee career development where t counts (2.35)> t table (1.96). Previous research conducted at the Open University found that potential variables were variables that affected employee career development with a percentage reaching 92%. While in this study it was found that the variable of the soul of the learner becomes a variable that has a higher percentage of influence than the other variables studied and the potential variables in this study get a percentage of 82.3%.
The most influential indicator is the soul of the learner, because it requires a forum for employees among colleagues and between superiors and subordinates to be able to exchange ideas and share with them the abilities they have or get through employee training or development. The above supports career development in the Batam Business Entity where the above opportunities can provide opportunities for employees to be able to add colleagues, colleagues so as to open greater and wider networking for employees with each other. Provide understanding to superiors who are given the responsibility as mentors to be able to protect employees and consider reciprocal efforts between superiors and subordinates so that both parties can continue to develop themselves and achieve the desired career. Creating a talent mapping form internally (per bureau) accompanied by an update of suitability of talent mapping every month or every 3 months by seeing performance achievements through a predetermined performance evaluation.
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Publication Date
02 August 2019
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Future Academy
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Business, innovation, sustainability, environment, green business, environmental issues
Cite this article as:
Nugrahani, A., Wulansari, P., & Ganesan, Y. (2019). Talent Management Implementation Impact on Employee Career Development Case Study in Batam. In C. Tze Haw, C. Richardson, & F. Johara (Eds.), Business Sustainability and Innovation, vol 65. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 625-630). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.08.63