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Financial Risk Management, Usage of Derivatives and Corporate Governance

Table 2:

Expression: Pr(FD), predict()
Baseline model Models incorporating the moderating effect of the presence of women directors
Model 1Coef. Model 2Coef. Model 3Coef. Model 4Coef. Model 5Coef. Model 6Coef. Model 7Coef.
DirRem 1.08567* .8248364 1.02244* 1.038899* .985699 1.074611* .8484329
CEOShare -.3693038 .1078063 -1.115043 .3391619 -1.013076 -.2220735 -.3357743
Bind 5.566859* 5.664411* 6.176574** 7.936755* 6.314543** 5.565251* 6.223516**
FamOwn -.4196036 -.7036555 -1.48781 -1.463619 -2.037874 -.4819969 1.189792
DirShare 1.234553 1.431264 .9280609 1.574411 .6642824 1.743821 .3051974
IndirShare 2.070822 1.963857 2.464978 2.232244 2.449707 2.045404 -1.930507
PreFeDir -2.494401 -.224396 1.862229 -.3294527 .0682711 -.5249057
PreFeDir@DirRem .3760286
PreFeDir@CEOShare 4.441164
PreFeDir@BInd -4.008698
PreFeDir @FamOwn 5.745392
PreFeDir @DirShare -.6486166
PreFeDir @Indirshare 7.9353**
ROA -4.991267 -4.699305 -3.84241 -4.607319 -3.29508 -4.634074 -3.073934
TA 1.523413*** 1.565768*** 1.584286*** 1.504469*** 1.630163*** 1.535814*** 1.69728***
DebtRatio -.0014452 -.0010551 -.0028615 .0001772 -.0026638 -.0012023 -.0027671*
Firmgrowth .293947** .2970082* .272413* .2826335* .2638469* .2886092* .2505869
AuditCo 1.021026 .9703971 .845108 .9403505 .7880029 1.0194 .6760834
_cons -21.2335 -19.82309 -21.19752 -21.84688 -21.22596 -21.31052 -20.45928
Log likelihood -54.856428 -54.787719 -54.140206 -54.589132 -53.560436 -54.847563 -52.218175
Prob>Chi2 0.0039 0.0103 0.0068 0.0090 0.0046 0.0106 0.0019
Pseudo R2 0.2003 0.2013 0.2107 0.2042 0.2192 0.2004 0.2387
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