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Re-Classification of Financial Ratios

Table 2:

Ratios Label N Mean Std. Deviation
Liquidity Ratios
LIR1 450 1.59893 1.366836
LIR2 450 .97103 .946011
LIR3 450 -19.52853 385.752599
LIR4 450 .21472 2.177927
Profitability Ratios
PR1 450 8.08480 88.760347
PR2 450 -4.71224 95.204706
PR3 450 -59.04647 1103.429044
PR4 450 6.29215 77.483275
PR5 450 6.27272 14.467774
Activity Ratios
AR1 450 12.99168 31.558083
AR2 450 407.54486 7248.365455
AR3 450 50.07455 225.428176
AR4 450 423.96439 7184.176240
AR5 450 1.05183 .736018
AR6 450 3.55558 4.654166
Leverage Ratios
LR1 450 .79411 3.454260
LR2 450 1.28716 2.172400
LR3 450 32.89944 224.313458
Market Ratios
MR1 450 6.43023 52.567319
MR2 450 3.29970 6.866215
MR3 450 .56212 3.122324
MR4 450 14.55113 152.751554
MR5 450 1.44314 2.747278
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