Along the years Romanian school has remained committed to paying considerate attention to the formative role of helping our students to exceed grade level standards. Yet Romanian education system should also have a role that is far more important that the academic one: nurturing ouru students, helping them to become considerate, responsible, self-respecting future adults. In order to assure this, we need to help them since early years to develop self-esteem. The present paper explores teachers’ role in supporting young learners to develop healthy self-esteem. Therefore, our study will envision the introduction of a special optional class within language and communication classes meant to develop self-esteem among other interpersonal communication skills. We state that educators in Romania shouldn’t wait for the elementary school years but initiate and develop educational projects and classes focused on developing socio-emotional intelligence since early years. Special attention will be paid to the elements of self-esteem which are meant to support our educational initiative mentioned above. By enriching the national curriculum through the introduction of special classes and taking young learners’ self-esteem into account while teaching, they are able to organize special classes whose main objective revolves around raising their pre-schoolers’ self-esteem. The findings of the study revealed that in classroom practice, they respect and care for young learner; they utilize various strategies and activities to ensure the raising of self-esteem; they also want to involve the parents to align their type of parenting to the educational methods and tools intended to raise pre-schoolers’ self-esteem.
Keywords: Self-esteempre-schoolersself-conceptemotional educationeducator
According to recent studies (Cvencek, Greenwald, & Meltzoff, 2016) by the age of 5, children have a sense of self-esteem comparable in strength to that of adults. Washington researchers state this important personality trait is already in place before children begin kindergarten. Cvencek, Greenwald, and Meltzoff, (2016) considers that although some scientists consider preschoolers too young to have developed a positive or negative sense about themselves, their findings suggest that self-esteem, feeling good or bad about yourself, is fundamental. He considers self-esteem a social mindset that children bring to school with them, not something they develop in school. This important finding offers a rather new vision on self-esteem both for educators and parents as well. Because self-esteem tends to remain relatively stable across one’s lifespan, the present study starts from two important psychological premises: 1) this important personality trait is already in place before children begin kindergarten and 2) what educators can do is to open new doors through kindergarten self-esteem education by creating optional classes dedicated specially to developing self- concept and self-esteem.
The present paper suggests specific means and tools, including curricular changes that can be done in Romanian kindergartens by educators in order to raise children’s self-esteem. The process is complex and it also encompasses other educational objectives from the field of emotional education such as enlarging the curricular frames that neglect the concept of self and self-esteem. Although the educational objectives include school adaptation skills, most Romanian educators place accent on the acquisition of intellectual skills rather than emotional abilities. Therefore, the specific aim of this article is to raise awareness among decisional factors of education that equal importance should be given to social and emotional education of the child, in particular to the concepts of self and self-esteem.
Problem Statement
Our theoretical approach follows Michele Borba’s (2003) self-esteem theory. According to Borba self-esteem is divided into five components:
Self-concept is the image that an individual has of himself, whereas self-esteem is the feeling that an individual has of this image. What Borba added to this is that self-esteem is also affected by other people’s observations of an individual. We approached Borba’s model as we considered it to be clear and yet holistic.
According to Borba (2003), whether an educator can help children to improve their self-esteem is dependable upon the attachment relationship. She underlines that educators need to gain children’s respect and trust, and be genuinely interested and willing to support them and help them grow.
Since children are aware of the people they can trust, their feelings of safety and assuredness are assured by the caregiver. It can be family members or an educator.
This element, selfhood, is connected to self-knowledge. A high sense of self-hood is equivalent to a realistic image of their characteristics and roles in the case of children. The accent is placed on the strong sense of individuality.
Affiliation has its basis in human interaction. The sense of belonging and relationship to another person are the key elements. Whether children have positive feeling about their social experiences, they can feel approved of and accepted (Borba 2003, p. 8).
Mission mainy refers to setting realistic goals and taking responsibility of one’s action. When we are little, we don't know what we want want to do in life and don't understand what is required to achieve it. Aling the path of life, children experience moments of success, and feelings of motivation and the sense of meaning and purpose are gradually increased. According to Borba, feelings of mission also include taking initiative and evaluating one’s behaviour and performance (Borba, 2003). Self- Anttila, and Saikkonen (2012) underline that guided children are often curious, determined, and thus finish the tasks they have started.
Competence is rooted in the feeling of success. In order to regard themselves as competent and respected persons, children need to first understand and recognize their strengths and weaknesses and also approve them. Competence normally leads to a sense of empowerment. Children with strong feelings of competence are not affected by failure, which is often regarded as a learning experience. Instead, children without the feelings of competence are often unable to notice their strengths and may feel unskilful even in tasks and situations where they actually are very competent. Some children may be so afraid of failing that they refuse to initiate or perform an action.
Research Questions
It is essential for us, as educators, to conceptually understand every skill, so that we put it appropriately translated into words and activities for children. Each booklet or optional class, once started, must be systematically followed. It is essential to use the recommended educational practices to maintain an educational climate that facilitates the acquisition of the skills covered by the program.
3.3. Self-esteem is also connected to the self-concept, so we also included in our study the extent to which children feel they are accepted by their friends or trust their own skills in life. The key question that has led us to undertake this study is whether positive self-concept can be a predictor for the success of school adaptation of the child. This question has given rise to other questions, namely: how do preschool teachers detect and how do they comprehend the formation of the self-concept as non-specialists? Most educators are neither psychologists nor scholars and do not have very precise tools. But we can have the signs, namely the negative feelings children can have about themselves or with others. Also, we can see the tendency to show low school performance, the predisposition to inappropriate, violent behaviour or, on the contrary, withdrawal, isolation, shyness. Are all those observable indices related to the self-confidence of the child and the self-concept? And if so, how?
We understand that self-consciousness begins much earlier than we originally thought. And, more important, no one should ignore the parents, who are the first and most important responsible for the development of the self-concept. Educators ’role always comes second in our opinion. Therefore, an important psychological premise may be the following: The more advanced the elderly child, the more difficult it is to eliminate the effects of a negative self-concept. It is, however, possible to have a very low and negative self-image in some areas, without having any impact on other areas. Also, the power of self-concept may vary over time. Children who feel "different" tend to develop a negative self-concept. It is important, therefore, that the preschool be permanently assisted by new educators, be supported in the development of a balanced self-concept. Recognizing and appreciating them, children will be allowed to see their limits at the same time. Children need to learn to understand that they cannot be perfect, because no one is perfect. Perfection is not a realistic goal. Whoever aspires to become perfect will end unhappily. The objective of the children should be to do everything as well as possible. Supporting and encouraging the raise of self-esteem of children and adolescents is related to certain skills and abilities.
This aspect together leads us to develop possible criteria for observing behaviours related to self-esteem. It is possible to observe and evaluate the students' self-concept for a certain period of time? And if so, what is the time to do? We suggest that teachers should ask the following questions that can be the criteria for establishing the level of self-esteem:
Are the children willing to take the risk of making mistakes in their work or in their game? Make a scale from 1 to each and every teacher will notice for each child, appreciating the grade with 1 - very little or not willing and 5- very willing
Are they confident enough to speak in class? How many of them have spoken and expressed their opinion about the theme of the day or subject?
Purpose of the Study
Our main interest was to study how children’s self-esteem (the children aged four to five) develops before the school age. As our theoretical framework we used Michele Borba’s self-esteem theory. Her self-esteem model divides self-esteem into five different elements: security, selfhood, affiliation, mission and competence. We took into consideration each of these components and suggested an educational programme focused on raising children's self-esteem. However, another important purpose of this study is to draw attention to the most significant activities that may influence the development of self-esteem, specifically to those connected to the educational environment. Following the guidelines of preschool curriculum, we suggest the introduction of a special class whose educational objectives shall encompass specific tools and methods of developing and improving pre-schoolers self-esteem. Environment plays one of the most significant part in the development of a child's esteem. A child is surrounded by members of family, peers and school teachers. All these play a significant role in their self-esteem development. All life events and the way the child interprets them influences their esteem. Therefore, it takes a huge responsibility from an adult to healthily educate and form self-esteem of a child.
In our paper we wanted to underline the importance of supporting children’s self-esteem already in early childhood education. We suggest the creation of a special class included in the curricular area of
Along with raising self-esteem, the child on the brink of schooling is also helped to form the most elementary rules of verbal, nonverbal and written communication and to apply them in life, to know himself, to think positively towards colleagues, parents, teachers, to - and increase school performance, to integrate much more easily into the college of students.
Another purpose of this study envisioned suggesting parenting programmes. Educators may suggest such type of programmes as helping hand along with the parent education in itself. Developing collaborative partnerships may help families gain the support to respond to child's behaviour and interpetation of life events. However, the parenting programme was not compelling, so it was not a variable to consider for our study.
Research Methods
At the base of the didactic research there was a methodological system consisting of: the introduction of an optional class encompassed within
Research hypothesis: Introducing the optional activity "About me, about you" to the large group as part of an educational program to develop the concept of self and self-esteem paralleled by a parenting program will lead to the development and strengthening of preschoolers’ self-esteem.
Research variables:
- Independent Variable: all methods and tools used in the optional class "About Me, About You"; they were not very different from the personal development classes and included: games, booklets, role-play, brainstorming, collaboration and co-operative teaching techniques. All methods followed six central methodologies present in the current curriculum for preschoolers’ education:
Dependent Variable: children’s self-esteem. It’s elements were previously described at Section
Other research tools of the study were: observation grid; the psycho-pedagogical sheet; fills on different themes; The curriculum design activity has taken into account all of the above mentioned points, so that the training has been differentiated according to the availability, interests and the pupils' learning profile. The optional class was part of an educational programme and was chosen by the teacher in accordance to the curricular and educational demands of respective kindergartens and was applied in 10 different kindergartens from Bucharest at level II (preparatory class), chosen from various districts, and has followed a modern and pragmatic approach to content. The educational programme was applied along the year 2017-2018 after the pre-schooler teachers previously agreed to introduce an optional activity within the Man and Society curricular area. The competencies were structured according to Borba’s approach described above and the methodology followed the structured booklets and games, each section with a specific objective related to a specific competence as it follows:
fostering a sense of belonging and promoting a sense of security
providing adequate space and a balance of didactic and non-didactic activities, that provide for challenge and inspire a sense of wonder
implementing a flexible routine, where educators respond and adjust to children’s needs
minimising transitions and ensuring they are planned and considered to reduce anxiety and stress
organising intentional grouping of children in small groups throughout the day based on their rhythms, interests and routines
creating a sense of belonging and security by offering a variety of materials, equipment and experiences that engage their interests
The main themes around which the classes, the games and the booklets were structured were: About me, Me and my family, My friends, My favourite places, My educator, What can I do - my skills, My feelings, How to resolve conflicts.
The analysis of the worksheets, the psycho-pedagogical observation sheets of the products of the activity and the activity of the children during October 2017-May 2018 revealed the following:
All activities carried out from optional planning have had a positive effect on self-esteem and preschoolers’ motivation to learn but also on the child-teacher relationship. Children felt more at ease and they also felt important and valued. In such a context, education meant not only schooling but also, to some extent, even growth and education.
In addition to focusing on the emotional-emotional dimension in the lesson planning, children were perceived as active actors and subjects, not as simple objects of the teacher or the school curriculum.
Running such an option meant planning and structuring the lesson from the pupils' perspective, in collaboration with them and adapting it to their needs.
As a result, all the activities carried out were characterized by a high level of activity and participation of the preschoolers. In contrast to teacher-centered education, this kind of approach here was that of positioning the teacher as a learning mentor or facilitator, and the children had full confidence in self-disclosing and developing their self-concept and self-confidence. At the base of the achievement of the proposed objectives was the educational relationship, but also the relationship of the children with their own parents.
After the completion of the optional class, the teachers were asked to fill in observation files and structured interviews including their opinion on the development of such an activity and the efficacy of teaching tools and interactions. They were regarded as feedback sheets and their centralized analysis ( revealed the following as guidelines for teachers who conduct such classes on specific educational objectives cantered on raising preschoolers’ self-esteem :
The need for teachers to create and maintain a sense of belonging and promoting a sense of security (teaching their children about how their behaviour and actions affect themselves and others and developing the skills to regulate these independently).
Educators need to learn how to be warm, kind, responsive and available (it is important that educators acknowledge that these skills develop gradually and on a continuum. Children are not able to apply these developing skills in a continuum so patience and perseverance is also required.)
The need for each educator to reflect on the pedagogical decisions for each day and each situation (Is the situation or the environment contributing to or creating a problem?/ Are my expectations appropriate?/ Am I being consistent?/ How is the child likely to be feeling - what does this situation mean for the child?/ To what extent is my mood contributing to my reactions?)
The need to involve families in the education process (sometimes educators and families have different views regarding behaviour of their children; sitting down and talking over these issues is required as part of creating a common vision on how to teach the child to get over a situation. Children are not born with these regulation strategies, they learn them from us so it is important not to offer the child more contradictory messages on the same situation.)
Special attention should be paid to intentional strategies (it is not only about being firm when you need to be, but also helping children organise feelings, use more the natural consequences of the child's behavior instead of punishing him or reminding him the classroom rules; sometimes withdraw from the conflict and give the child the opportunity to solve the confrontation with other children
The importance of empowering the pre-schoolers (giving them some responsibility; it starts with having appropriate expectations. It is important to acknowledge that children are individuals with a range of skills, emotions and experiences).
Accept that not every situation can be resolved immediately. Although many teachers may be interested more in gaining control of the situation as soon as possible as they they are afraid of not creating noise or agitation in class, it is equally important to offer children opportunities to master and regulate situations themselves.
Appreciate each positive behaviour of the child (they have been given to exercise the appreciation of the child whenever he or she makes positive behavior or whenever he makes progress or learns new behaviour.
The introduction of such optional classes with specific focus on developing the elements of self-esteem in the last year of kindergarten (preparatory class) is appreciated by the preschooler’s teachers as it fosters and strengthens not only self-esteem but also child-teacher relationship. The responsibilities given to each child made them feel important and valued; they developed interpersonal communication skills in a playful and enjoying manner, by getting involved in activities which were finalized firstly due to the fact that the teacher knew how to use appraisals for positive behaviors. The value of such educational classes is double: on the one hand, children gain competencies that help them open the school doors easier but on the other hand, increased self-esteem help them gain competencies to deal with life challenges. Therefore, any classes during kindergarten including personal development skills are welcomed by teachers as well as by parents as all of us know how important is for a child to be able to cope with lifetime difficulties without the help of adults
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- Santrock, J. W. (2009. Child Development. 12th Ed. McGraw-Hill: New York
- McElroy, M., (2015, November 2). Opinion: Children’s self-esteem already established by age 5, new study finds, Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, Retrieved from https://www.washington.edu/news/2015/11/02/
- Anttila, M., & Saikkonen, P., (2012). Supporting Children’s Self-esteem in Early Childhood Education A Play Booklet for Kindergarten Teachers. Retrieved from https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/50239/Anttila_Marianna_Saikkonen_Pinja.pdf
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15 August 2019
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Future Academy
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Educational strategies,teacher education, educational policy, organization of education, management of education, teacher training
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Vlaicu*, C., Anghel, A. G., & Voicu, C. D. (2019). The Importance Of Raising Pre-School Children Self-Esteem In Assuring Successful School Adaptation. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues, vol 67. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1391-1400). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.08.03.171