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Self- Efficacy Through Psychosocial Risk Factors In Primary And Secondary Education Employees

Table 3:

school unit college kindergarten no.1 kindergarten no.2 school no.1 school no.2 school no.3
Marital status Freq. Percent% Freq. Percent% Freq. Percent% Freq. Percent% Freq. Percent% Freq. Percent%
B 6 8.80 5 14.70 4 16.00 3 10.00 3 8.80 1 4.00
M 41 60.30 22 64.70 18 72.00 23 76.70 25 73.50 22 88.00
D 14 20.60 3 8.80 2 8.00 2 6.70 1 2.90 1 4.00
W 7 10.30% 4 11.80 1 4.00 1 3.30 4 11.80 1 4.00
Total 68 100.0 34 100.0 25 100.0 30 100.00 34 100.0 25 100.0
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