New Perspectives On Public Communication


Public communication has an unprecedented development and education policies have to be in line with the new challenges. That is why, in the new context, public communication must be appropriate to new demands and new ways of promoting education must be found. Public communication becomes more and more important, and information needs to be adapted. Communication has the highest share in the activities that an individual is currently doing. Every day we are judged by those around us by the way we communicate or by the way we want to make ourselves understood. Traditional channels begin to lose importance, their place being taken by modern (media) and efficient channels. The influence of online is unquestionable, but this causes many specialists to underestimate the power of traditional communication channels. The reality is that no matter how overwhelming the force of the virtual environment, it can't currently replace the traditional communication channels. The individual voice through Facebook, Twitter and blogging is more important than any other audience, no matter how much it is strengthened by classic media channels.

Keywords: Communicationtraditional channelspromoting educationinformationsocial-media


All definitions of communication, irrespective of the schools of thought to which they belong or the guidelines in which they are registered, have at least some common elements: communication is the process of transmitting information, ideas, opinions, opinions, or from an individual to From one group to another; No activity can be conceived outside the communication process. Communication can be defined as "the process by which a person (or group) transmits conceptual content (an attitude, an emotional state, a desire), another person or another group". Communication has been perceived as a fundamental element of human existence since ancient times. The word "communication" comes from the Latin language; “Communis” means "to agree", "to be in touch with" or "to be in the relationship," although the term circulates in the vocabulary of the ancients with the meaning of "sharing something with others". "In the most general sense, there is talk of communication whenever a system, namely a source influences another system, in particular a consignee, through the intercession of alternative signals that can be transmitted through the channel linking them" (Agabrian, 2008, p.72).

The word communication has a very broad meaning, it encompasses all the processes whereby a spirit can affect another spirit. Obviously, it includes not only written or spoken language, but also music, visual arts, theatre, ballet and, in fact, all human behaviours"(Voicu & Rusu 1998, p.8). When a word is fashionable, as is the case of the word "communication", when the activities or events they represent multiply, its meaning tends to widen due to the very interest it enjoys. We communicate information, attitudes, feelings, emotions, ideas. Communication is to inform, persuade, impress, determine someone's action or just for fun. Communication is an extremely complex process: it is achieved through several kinds of languages, it can be disrupted by different factors, depending on the context in which it occurs, is specific to each individual and can take place at different levels (Drăgan, 2018, p.64).

In the new context, communicating and communicating science, gaining an audience on the part of a project, an option, become fundamental. The ingenuity with which a strategy is presented becomes as important as the intrinsic value of that strategy. We can not necessarily welcome such equivalence, but it is a peculiarity of modern evolution. One of the newest communications acquisitions is that which moves the focus from the message and its value to reception and the receiver's availability to accept a message. In other words, the message is not in the text, in the public address itself, but is the result of an interaction, of a negotiation between the transmitter and the receiver. A message, however well-built, must, in order to have real echoes, respond to concerns and, above all, provide solutions to problems that clutter people and groups.

Thus, with the diversification of communication, managers, political people, known artists and, in general, any person whose career depends to a lesser or greater extent on the opinion that the public makes about it appeals to the services Specialists called Communication Advisors.

Thus, the representation we are making about the person concerned must be strong and at the same time favourable. Otherwise, we will say that the person "fails to communicate". Its image is not the one it wants to offer, but it will always have to be reinforced so that it is positive (Mucchielli, 2002, p.211).

  • This depends on many factors such as: clothing, physical appearance, voice stamp, elements that often have nothing to do with the person's real personality. The communication holds the highest share in the activities that an individual is currently conducting. Every day we are judged by those around us by the way we communicate or how we want to make ourselves clear.

  • To communicate we use languages, signs and symbols that are determined by each culture. The same word can have more meaning, the same gesture can have more significance."

By the way we communicate and through what we say through communication we define the culture we live in.

Communication is a complex process whose analysis requires taking into account several particularities, such as:

  • Communication is intended to put people in touch with each other, in their evolving environment;

  • In the communication process, the content of the message follows the transmission of certain significance and the achievement of certain purposes;

  • Any communication process has triple size: Verbal actions and observable nonverbal by interlocutors), meta-communication (meaning beyond words) and communication carried out by Each individual in his inner forum at the level of the self;

  • Any communication process is carried out in a context: in a particular business, social, cultural, physical or temporal area;

  • The communication process has a dynamic character because the communication once initiated, has a certain evolution, changes and changes and the people involved in the process;

  • The communication process has an irreversible character, meaning that once the message is transmitted, it can no longer be stopped (Dagenais, 2003, p.46). In the case of management of organizations, communication is essential, but "reality shows that managers at all levels [...] They have difficulty transmitting with clarity and incision ideas." "The force of the message therefore ensures that the desired effect is produced" (Popescu, 2011, p.13).

After all, Internet usage means message communication and then business on the web. However, communicating the message, image, services or products does not mean sale. Communicating these issues has more in common with public relations (PR) than with marketing. PR is not marketing. "There are authors who cite three facets of public relations: information transmitted to the public, Persuasion directed to the public to change attitudes and actions, efforts to integrate the public with attitudes and actions of an institution" (Popescu, 2011, p.27). "However, the basic role of the specialist in public relations is the level of planning. It is about analysing the information gathered, especially by the marketing service, their interpretation, the relationship of mathematical data of trade with socio-economic ones, as well as the provision of the evolution of customer behaviour” (Popescu, 2011, p.29).

Problem Statement

It can be said that investing in human relations is an investment for life, communication doing all the work for creating and maintaining relations between people. Strengthening these relationships then depends on the concern towards the receptors. The expected gain when customer attraction strategies are applied is to maintain their relationships. "Any attempt to influence or change the behaviour of the public, be it a specialised audience or an extremely broad one, requires a strategy that must be staggered over time"(Dagenais, 2003, p.46).

  • In the online environment communication with users has the same foundation as offline communication: The institution is always to the attention of the consumer/user. This implies constant communication with the current/future client, which will be continuously transmitted new, interesting and useful things.

The internet has revolutionized public relations, exceeding the most viewing theories. Mitch Kapor described the internet as "the final form of the democratic society-a truly chaotic universe". Beyond all efforts of the PR, consumers continue to possess the power taken from journalists and marketers. As indicated by "The Cluetrain Manifesto" and "Naked conversations", consumers are now publishers, critics and even the average itself (The cluetrain manifesto, 2018).

They hold control, and their opinions generate behaviour changes. Many of them have a very high influence on the things they buy, think or do. For the first time in the history of communication, each has a voice and every voice counts.

Research Questions

By Social media, this voice can be extremely powerful and can force individuals, companies or communities to change the way they behave (Rarau, 2018). What an employee or person like any other can say may be more trustworthy than the opinions of a large number of people.

The individual voice through Facebook, Twitter and blogging is more important than any other public voice, however made by through the classical media channels. Therefore, for the people of PR it is becoming increasingly important to calculate a person's online influence, as people are demanding more and more, advice from their friends on the internet about what they should think, buy and say.

Therefore, for the people of PR it is becoming increasingly important to calculate a person's online influence, as people are demanding more and more, advice from their friends on the internet about what they should think, buy and say (Dagenais, 2003, p. 47).

Purpose of the Study

A mistake that many PR practitioners make is to consider that social media is an environment in which the strategy must focus on building a voice and issuing a number of messages that exceed quantitatively the messages posted by the car.

Effective communication is the key to the success of a modern organization. Within the organization, it strengthens employees' trust in the vision and mission of the organization, connects employees to the reality of the business, fuelling the company's development process, facilitating changes necessary to progress, and helping to change employee behaviour. Outside, the image of the company, the discovery of new business opportunities and the relationship with society depend to a large extent on how well this continuous process of communication is conceived and conducted.

The communication process must be designed to contribute to the organization's goals. The communication must be managed in accordance with an overall strategic plan of the organization-specific activity. All managerial functions are accomplished through communication, as a process of understanding between people through the transfer of information.

Research Methods

It's influencing. In other words, they think you need to raise your voice to cover critical messages by volume. Beyond the main and secondary objectives specific to the three types of communication-narrative, involved with the two components-for sale and consultation-and decision-the universal purpose of communication is to induce permissible and Courtesy of the receiver (Rarau, 2018). A consumer's determination to change, postpone or avoid a decision is significantly influenced by the perceived risk.


Whether the message is a congratulatory note addressed to a friend or employee, whether it is a letter for a customer to notify about the size of the range of products offered, the impact will be strong if the drafting will be carried out in a note of Honesty and honesty. At the levels, of behaviour, openness and less tolerated are the way in which the receiver is induced by the transmitter, the confidence through an honest and constant attitude. On the other hand, gaining the trust of the receiver can be followed by the manifestation of an attitude of gratitude or satisfaction from it. Organizations have cultures just as people have personality. Culture is the core of the entire organizational network. An organization's culture includes its collection of almost instinctive organic beliefs and reactions, of heroes and negative characters, achievements, prohibitions and commands.


Acquiring the trust of the receiver is, in fact, one of the key points of communication, being very easy to reach. Insincerity or lack of fairness are quite easy to discover in a communication and may negatively influence its subsequent deployment. In practice, there are situations where an excessive attitude of openness and less tolerated can question the sincerity of the communicator. Openness and less tolerated must be consistent with the lure (needs, desires, expectations, aspirations) of the receiver, with its attitudes and beliefs, as well as with the situation and problem in question.

Also through communication, new beliefs are formed, the previous ones are consolidated, obsolete mentalities and practices are abolished, which are inconsistent with the requirements of the organization. Direct communication (face-to-face) is best suited for transferring information and correcting conduct. Communication is the basis for exerting the act of altering the form and content of the human "material" that goes through the training process. The process is completed by exercising the respective power of the influence by a communication agent or transmitter.

Effective communication is the key to the success of a modern organization. Within the organization, it strengthens employees' trust in the vision and mission of the organization, connects employees to the reality of the business, fuelling the company's development process, facilitating changes necessary to progress, and helping to change employee behaviour. Outside, the image of the company, the discovery of new business opportunities and the relationship with society depend to a large extent on how well this continuous process of communication is conceived and conducted.

They are essential in determining credibility, both at individual and group level. Online communication also implies sending a message, but also exchanging bilateral replications: a user response, whether good or bad, should be expected. A mistake many practitioners are making is that social media is an environment in which strategy must focus on building a voice and issuing a number of messages that outweigh in quantitative terms the messages posted by those who influence it.

In other words, they believe that you have to "lift your voice" to cover the critical messages in volume. In the social media there is no longer a ready market for receiving the message, there is no longer a public waiting for a message. People have access to such a vast content; they have so many methods to collect information that the ability of the company's message to penetrate this "noise barrier" is very low. So instead of picking up the tone, talking to the audience, finding out what the community wants.


  1. Agabrian, M. (2008). Strategii de comunicareeficientă [Effective communication strategies]. Iaşi: Institutul European.
  2. Dagenais, B. (2003). Campania de relaţii publice [Public relations campaign]. Iasi: Polirom.
  3. Drăgan, I. (2018). Sociologia comunicării de masă [Sociology of mass communication]. Retrieved from
  4. Mucchielli, A. (2002). Arta de a influenţa. Analiza tehnicilor de manipulare [The art of influence. Analysis of handling techniques]. Iasi: Polirom.
  5. Popescu, G. (2011). Relații publice si comunicare [Public relations and communication]. Pitești: Tiparg.
  6. Rarau, A. (2018). Cum masuram social-media [How social media measurement]. Retrieved from
  7. The cluetrain manifesto. (2018). Retrieved from
  8. Voicu, M., & Rusu, C. (1998). ABC-ul comunicării manageriale [The ABC of managerial communication]. Brăila: Danubius.

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Publication Date

15 August 2019

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Future Academy



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Educational strategies,teacher education, educational policy, organization of education, management of education, teacher training

Cite this article as:

Drăghici*, G. (2019). New Perspectives On Public Communication. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues, vol 67. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1038-1043). Future Academy.