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Social-Emotional Education In The Context Of Early Education

Table 2:

Period Activity title Competence
October 1. The story of the brown bear - tale2. The cube of emotions - game3. Let’s practice the rules with Ami -discussions4. Ami teaches us to be responsible – discussions - expressing emotions- behavioural abilities - social relations- social relations
November 1. The giant radish - tale 2. The carousel of emotions - game3. What to expect when we don’t follow the rules – game - the habit of being persistent - acknowledging emotions - behavioural abilities
December 1. Snow-White – fairy tale2. The story of Ţupi the Frog - tale3. How Ana became friend with the good manners - social-behavioural abilities - emotional self-regulation- behavioural abilities
January 1. The story of the beehive - tale2. The story of Pogonici the Hedgehog - tale3. The umbrella of friendship – game - favouring discipline inside a community - reducing the interpersonal aggressively - social relations
February 1. Coloured little wings – therapeutic tale 2. The four believers - therapeutic tale3. You decide - game4. How am I feeling today - game - social relations- accepting friendship, offering help - assuming responsibilities - acknowledging emotions, expressing them
March 1. Vigilante - therapeutic tale2. I don’t expect a reward - game3. Sonia, the little princess - therapeutic tale4. All is mine - tale5. The cubes tower – game - expressing relations between siblings- acknowledging emotions- unconditional acceptance- expressing egoism- social relations
April 1. Suzi and the turtle - therapeutic tale 2. The flowers of friendship - game3. The snowdrop - therapeutic tale - the fear of unknown- initiating and maintaining a relation - expressing emotions / perseverance
May 1. Fruit salad – domestic activity2. The story of the treasure hunt - tale 3. Let’s play the listening game - game4. The story of the little boy who couldn’t decide what toy does he want - therapeutic tale - initiating and maintaining a relation - stimulating the curiosity to know- social relations- emotional self-regulation
June 1. The face of my emotions – game2. My emotions - drawing3. The magic hat for solutions4. My friend – art activity (mould activity) - acknowledging emotions- expressing emotions - social relations - social relations
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