Development Of Interpersonal Relations In Modern School Management


Generally, in order to fulfill the functions of school, the four main strategies of the school management are: communication, motivation, participation, training must be followed in the complex activity that is being carried out. Communication is present in everything we do in life and is essential to work and live with. The managerial communication should be approached separately by the other functions and functional areas of school management, because the accomplishment of this function is absolutely necessary and is the main condition for the realization of all the other functions and specific activities, being generally the premise of any human relations. Without communication there is no planning, organization, coordination and control, no motivation, consultation and participation, no group and negotiation progress, and therefore no essential managerial functions can be achieved. Each manager must develop and promote a policy based on a communication system that allows him to permanently adjust the structure and the organizational process to condition changings. The manager must also form and maintain a contacts network with the organization’s partners in the implementation of foreign policy and at the same time an information network particularly useful in the implementation of internal policy through his role as negotiator, promoter of organizational policy and transmitter of this kind of policy. In fact, in modern school management, the communication problem is the issue of the idea flowing and solution findings, aimed at achieving the objectives of the school organization and management.

Keywords: School managementeducationfunctionsobjectivesschool organization


Communication is, on the one hand, a form of expression of interpersonal relationships and attitudes. On the other hand, it is a specific form of activity in which human relations and attitudes are formed, determining their quality. According to Pânișoară (2006) to judge any communication from a managerial point of view, the effect is essential. The communication reception, the message understanding, the agreement on the communication content, the acceptance of the transmitter’s intentions and the change of the receiver are important communication effects, the change being the purpose of education itself. Păuș agrees that the school aims to be realized within an institutionalized framework, some changes being designed at the educator’s level (Păuș, 2006). Education is a permanent process, an exceptional tool by which one can build relationships between people, groups and even nations. Preparing for active participation in community life has become an increasingly acknowledged task for education as democratic principles have spread throughout the world (Iosifescu, 2001.) In Johns 'view (1998), efficient management is the influence that some individuals exert on the achievement of others' goals in an organizational context (French, 1987).

Problem Statement

The problem arising at the school level compels the manager and/ or the managerial team to impart optimal dynamism to the life of the school unit, to ensure the stability of some structures, to enrich them, to continuously and consistently apply the educational, instructive and formative actions. This will result in a quality managerial activity that will lead to a positive set of activities and expected outcomes in the unit / school concerned.

Research Questions

A responsible school must adhere to a number of conditions and criteria. First of all, we need to think that it is educationally and civically responsible, for what it produces in and for society. Secondly, such a school is able to recognize, plan and evaluate its resources according to its goals and results. To become responsable, it must adhere to a set of conditions and criteria, review its goals, attitudes, and evaluate its results periodically (Păun, 1999).

Secondly, such a school is able to recognize, plan and evaluate its resources according to its goals and results. To become accountable, it must adhere to a set of conditions and criteria, review its goals, attitudes, and evaluate her results periodically.

The education system in general and pre-university education, in particular, have rules, attributions and responsibilities for training and educating the young generation.

The development of the interpersonal relationships in a modern school causes the school manager to look for answers to important questions, to make many searches, to create orientations, eco-concepts in the school management in relation to some problems that can be changed: the quality of human resources must be the focus of attention; designing management as a more efficient organization of activities; achieving rationalization by using information, prognosis, organization, planning, decision-command, training, control-evaluation functions; capitalizing on the current experience and creativity of those involved; highlighting interpersonal and communication relationships.

Purpose of the Study

The research aims to be one about modern school management, in particular with the aim of clarifying the main features of school management, improving the representation we have on this education segment as well as identifying, developing and implementing operational plans in the activity delivered daily in school.

Communication means almost everything in management, as long as the quality of communication depends on the understanding of the problems faced by any employee, from the manager to the clerk at the lowest hierarchical level, the sustainability of the relationships between them, the ability of the manager to motivate and to manage its subordinates, but also the relations with the external environment of the organization from which information is particularly useful for its proper functioning.

We aim to find out how the school manager can fulfill his role as a negotiator, promoter of the organizational policy and the transmitter of this policy, how does the school manager form and maintain a network of contacts with the organization’s partners in the implementation of foreign policy and at the same time a network of information that is particularly useful in the implementation of internal policy?

Research Methods

The activities of an organization’s manager are closely related to his/ her duties. The educational manager performs an activity of clarification, argumentation and conviction, motivation, formulates appreciation, approves or criticizes, establishes practical ways of action.

In the context of a society that changes, by making changes in form and substance to all its subsystems, Romanian education needs to take on a new perspective on its functioning and evolution. Within this novelty perspective, the educational partnership must become a priority of the strategies aimed at the development of the Romanian education.

Each of the school units, and in particular the managers of these units, must steadily focus on the whole activity, on the student, preparing the school’s human resources for partnership, attracting potential partners into effective partnerships.

In the organizational communication, there are basic managerial documents that need to be viewed in different ways. Some refer to the possibility of communicating more easily what we have to say. There are aspects related to the formalization of certain processes, namely their strategy, the decisions taken, the operational plan.

The theoretical objective of the research is: in-depth knowledge of human behavior, understanding how the personality type determines a certain behavior.

Practical objectives are formulated as follows:

 1. Studying the environmental factors that contribute to the efficient functioning of the school organization;

2. Tracking the results obtained by these managers attitudes that ensure the decisions’s continuity and creativity.

The research hypothesis we propose to verify are the following:

Hypothesis no. 1. Given the complexity of the managers’ personality, we assume that the personality traits have a major influence on the factors that interfere with their behavior in the managerial process.

Hypothesis no. 2. Taking into account the factors that infuence human behavior, we assume that there is a correlation between the cardinal features of the personality profile of the manager (responsible and creative) and the leadership style. The leadership style reflects the manager’s behavior.

In our research, we used two samples each containing 30 subjects, with the following structure:

- the first sample of thirty male directors, being part of the same county, coordinated by the same School Inspectorate, considered an ordinary sample, with randomly selected subjects, having as a criterion only the function they occupy. This represents the control group.

-the second sample of thirty directors coordinated by the same School Inspectorate, considered the same as a normal sample, but they were stimulated to apply creative techniques to their managerial work, participated in personal development workshops. This is the study group. Acquiring the skills to apply creative techniques as independent variables.

As a research method for verifying the hypotheses, we used the sociological survey and as a methodological tool the questionnaire “Attitudes and competences in the managerial activity”.


Questions in the questionnaire are: primary, directly related to the theme of the study, each relates to one aspect of the problem (they complement one another) and the secondary are not directly related to the theme but are used to check the consistency or validity of the sample. Depending on the type of answer, the questionnaire has fixed answer questions.

This questionnaire allows self-assessment of the application of creativity and responsibility for their emergence in the proper functioning of a school organization. It has 16 items (the last item for personal data) that reveals the personality drive gear to the management perspective in a school organization. But awareness of the consistency between personal possibilities and the chosen path of leadership proves, however, that all forms of leadership are productive to a lesser or greater extent.

It is very important to know something about our personality, what we have, what we have to change or model, or in other words what we are endowed with and acquired in time. The ability to choose is essential to achieve any goal, especially in situations where attitudes towards work, fellowship, society, motivation, communication, and all of this for choosing a right perspective for managerial roles. The cardinal features of the distinguished managers that are specified in the working hypothesis are: responsibility and creativity.

These attitudes also reflect the managers’ behavior, outlined in actions to be taken under stress, informational over-saturation, or when the troubles and misconceptions in the leadership process are kept up. In this regard, the questionnaire presents items that will illustrate these attitudes by their requirements, sometimes influencing their behavior. This questionnaire was validated by initial application to other subjects.

Therefore, in order to obtain information that would argue with the results obtained from the application of the previous samples, we applied the questionnaire “Attitudes and competences in the managerial activity”, which can determine the creative attitudes but at the same time responsible for the managerial activity, the influence towards activities (curricular and extracurricular), to society and to life.

By applying this questionnaire, we aimed to capture the correlation between the leadership development and its role, the behavior in the two groups, their manifestations related to the entrepreneurial capacity. Differences between people, as well as among managers, appear more importantly in relation to the results of the work: some work with success, have successes in one or another field (music, physics, literature, religion, sport, etc.) others have modest results he has achieved notable successes in another activity that the manager carries with ease. We are talking about skills in this case.

Detecting and cultivating skills are fundamental tasks for everyone’s attention. Awareness by those who possess them, but also the fact that they can cultivate it becomes a desideratum in doing an activity, in our case, to introduce something new. Thus in the first group 35% consider that they have leadership skills, 23% respond negatively and 42% do not know if they have such achievements, compared to the second group having the following percentages: a) 57%, b) 13%, c) 30%.

Just like skill, temperament is another sign of people differentiation, as the attitude is towards the new. Thus, in the face of a new, unforeseen, distinct situation, some react violently, some calmly, some decide quickly, some on the contrary with great difficulty and some of them emulate their emotions, the others know how to master them, and if we talk about energy, some use it to the maximum, others on the contrary discourage and waste it with despair, and when the situation seems to have no exit there are people who come up with saving ideas. The managers of the first group consider that their temperament fits a) 27% liability, b) 43% sustained work, and c) 30% management, compared to those in the second group, where the results are the following: a) 47%, b) 30% and c) 23%.

The dynamics and the personality structure is an inexhaustible object of study in the specialists’ world and the subject of self-knowledge for others. Today everyone is informed of what he/she is and how he/she can represent himself/herself. In the tested lots: a) 60% recognizes the personality as an important asset in the management activity; b) 3% does not realize personality as an important asset and c) 37% considers that personality is not always an asset in the management activity- in the first lot; in the second lot we have for a) 30%, b) 10% and c) 60%.

Concerning the question of the consistency between capacities and efficient management, the ability to be prepared, managers respond in the affirmative 63% against 37% negative in group 2. In the answer b) 30% of the first group answer to 53% of the other group. In the last answer, the percentages are as follows: 7% for G1 and 10% for G2.

At any age from an ontological point of view, activity (play, learning, work, creation) occupies an important place for every human individual. How we appreciate the activity is formed early and this attitude is manifested in later relationships (school, service, own household) and even within the chosen profession. As part of the management activity, managerial activity plays its role in motivating teachers and students. The first tested group respond as follows: a) “yes” in the proportion of 56%; b) “no” 27%; c) “I’m not sure” 17%. In the second group, the assessment of the managerial contribution to the motivation and stimulation of the human resources in the schools is: a) 33%, b) 57%, c) 10.

Self-knowledge, as close as possible to reality, creates the premises of open, honest, sincere interpersonal relationships. Everyone becomes aware of their own features, thus realizing self-knowledge, each perceiving correctly the effects of their own behavior on others. On the other hand, knowing their personality traits, everyone will learn to listen to others and accept the others’ possible criticism, consequently will develop the most correct forms of behavior, thus achieving a higher level of self-confidence and in others.

Information on the requirements of effective management is a challenge in managerial activity or a reality? Action does not stop here at school, it is continued. G1 subjects responded affirmatively: a) 27%, b) negative 73%, respectively 47% and 53%, respectively, in the second group).

Self-knowledge also depends on a number of factors, namely: stereotypes, prejudices, the characteristics of the individual’s cognitive system, as well as the value system, the level of person’s education, as well as the social status and roles held. Thus, in the first group, the characteristic features are as follows: a) perseverance - 17%; b) tolerance -20%; c) 10% responsibility; d) 10% ambition; e) creativity -25%; f) principledness - 18%. In the second group we have: a) 16%, b) 18%, c) 16%; (d) 10%; e) 30%; f) 10%.

The leadership of the school organization ultimately relates to the personality, training, and manager vocation. Those skills are associated with an imperative need to satisfy certain requirements (domestic, play, professional training, relaxation, rest, etc.). Many of these habits are practiced and are therefore generally reluctant or open to innovation in stimulating human resources in school organizations. In the first lot 56% consider that it is appropriate to focus on motivation and active rest; 27% for training and 17% for entertainment or activities that may have this result. And in the other lot, the structure of the answers encompasses a) 33%, b) 57 % and c) 10%.

Each of us becomes aware of the personality traits that are not accepted under certain circumstances or contexts. That’s why we fight the minuses and turn their effects positively. Some want to change their lack of respect for oneself, others the negative attitude towards others, why not lack of interest, instability, a list that continues to be mirrored by the following percentages: a). suggestiveness7%, b). 10% inertia, c). irritability 15%, d). instability 10%, e). arrogance 9%, f). lack of interest 6%, g). envy 20% and h). leaving 23% of the subjects in the first group. In the second group we have: a).25%, b).10%, c). 25 %, d).6 %, e).6%, f).10%, g).3% and h).15%. We note that in both groups we have subjects who want to correct these weaknesses.

There are at least two qualities per person, because as there is no man without defects, there is no man without qualities. Those around us helping us every time to discover what we need to appreciate. In the first group, 73% think that they are determined and persistent, 16% are motivated in what they do, and therefore have resources, which usually use creativity in novel situations, and 11% appreciate their beliefs and world and life conception. In the second group the proportions are as follows: a). 37%, b). 53% and c). 10%.

Many of us are accustomed to making goals or promises “ad literam”, and that is why we allow ourselves to describe other options. The first group considers that personality can be defined by “what I say and what I do”, which would also be reflected in the leadership style in 35% compared to 57% in group 2. The negative response 23% to group 1 and 13% to group 2. 42% of the first group and 30% of the second group are not sure.

At younger ages we are allowed more than at other ages to dream of what we will be, we will become. We will see that later these attitudes do not disappear and naturally are not to be ignored over the life course, G1 respond: a). 27% there are some; b). 43% will overcome all obstacles of any kind; c). 30% the way they started walking is the one that corresponds to reality. G2 subjects are responsible for a). 47%, b). 30%, c). 23%.

To reinforce some responses, subjects are asked to answer more questions about self-esteem. The next item has the same requirement. Thus, in the first group they appreciate that they are persons: a). prepared to understand others and as a result can work in such fields, 15%; b). suitable for working in difficult conditions, 16%; c). able to work under stress conditions, 23%; d). able to solve any problem, 7%; e). able to put up effort, 39%. In group 2 the values are as follows: a) 13%, b) 13%, c) 16%, d) 9%, e) 49%.

G1, in their training and improvement in managerial activity, is based on: a). assimilation of information, 17%; b). purchase of operations, 20%; c) skill and skill formation, 10%; d). Talent, 10%; e). continuous training, 25% and f). skills, 18%. G2 expresses this approach as follows: a). 16%, b). 18%, c). 16%, d).10%, e). 30% and f). 10%.

The penultimate item highlights the relevant achievements of subjects in different areas of activity. Subjects from the first group succeeded in art, 43%, work, 26%, and science and technology, 31%. The others show the following achievements: art, 46%, work ,36%, science and technology, 18%.

Regarding this questionnaire, by applying it, we found out if the subjects in our research are possessing positive attitudes towards themselves. These answers are able to provide a picture of the managers’ portraits that we have caught in this research, confirm the link between their personality and profession and the role of creativity and responsibility, which confirms the first working hypothesis. They argue that they would not choose an action that would not fit their personality and the coordinates of a good functioning of the school organization through communication. Through these, we have illustrated that there are psychological developmental influences on behavior, confirming the second working hypothesis.


Our research among managers has highlighted the goals. Following the application of the working tools, the results resulted in the following conclusions:

The driving force of personality in the perspective of management in a school organization determines the current manager to be extroverted to realize the consistency between the personal possibilities and the chosen communication path - formal, informal, internal or external, if it is innovative or not. They are aware of the personality traits they have, the advantages they have, what they have to change or model, or, in other words, what they are endowed with and acquired in time.

By applying the “Attitudes and competences in the managerial activity” questionnaire, we found out if the subjects in our research are possessing positive attitudes towards themselves. These answers are able to provide a picture of managers’ portraits captured in this research, confirm the link between their personality and profession and the role of creativity in leadership. They argue that they would not choose an action that would not fit their personality and the coordinates of a good functioning of the school organization.

Managers choose actions and coordinates that allow them to work at their own pace, have the opportunity to act freely, to apply their own ideas and concepts, they are inclined to gain appreciation, they are oriented towards propelling the ideas of communication management, applying new ideas, inventing news. G1 subjects also think about safety, value associated with professions that are confident of maintaining them, providing the same work type, and ensuring that the objectives of the school organization are met. And last but not least, they prefer to work with pupils, oriented towards their good, towards harmony and communication.

The subjects from the second sample tend to actions that by their status in the society give importance to performance in the field, perseverance in everything they do to achieve results that ensure a high position. Other factors are: safety that gives them stability; the variety that reveals the targeting of teachers’ professions that allow diversity in activities; independence that allows freedom of initiative, constructive and innovative attitudes. Also, the G 2 subjects consider that actions, descriptions are chosen to match their image, their personality profile, to be consistent with their lifestyle. Now we see things differently, maybe in an unrealistic way they are overestimated, but they are often very close to managerial standards and objectives, without minimizing their role in stimulating and motivating teachers and pupils to find the right solutions in optimum time.

The complexity of personality types influences the factors involved in managerial communication in concretizing its role in motivating teachers and pupils. Also, from the analysis of the percentage results, we deduce that there are correlations between the cardinal features of the manager’s personality profile and the managerial activity unfolded.

Therefore, G2 managers have the ability to choose, which is essential for any purpose, especially in situations where attitudes towards work, pupils, society, motivation, communication, and all this to choose a suitable perspective for its educational roles. Talent and natural inclinations undoubtedly have an important role, but becoming a manager is the result of a personal transformation process. Expanding the perspective and conception of the world and life, raising the level of consciousness, discovering the motivations and the right principles create the necessary premises for becoming a person capable of leading others, that is, a person who deserves to be followed by other people. People who are optimistic, who are easy to relate to others, who are organized, communicating excellently, are endowed with intuition and empathy, which show strength of character, who have a developed sense of social communion and who develop the necessary technical skills are clearly advantageous in the occupation and successful fulfilment of managerial functions. Given the complexity of work and its impact on the organization, modern management is a process involving a set of competencies.

All of this is found in the second group, as we have pointed out earlier, both through the personality inventory and the questionnaire, while checking the working hypotheses.

The manager is at this operative, primary level of school leadership, decision-making and organizational decision-making, as a leader in achieving goals with teacher teams, guides students, prevents and removes disturbing factors, provides for and manages resources, adapts its leadership style, harmonizes formal and non-formal actions, adapts classroom decisions, regulates processes involved in leadership, prevents and resolves tensions, accomplishes optimal communication at school. Leadership is the combination of two fundamental attitudes, responsibility and co-operation, reflecting the particular way the manager thinks and acts (Vlăsceanu, 1993).


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15 August 2019

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Future Academy



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Educational strategies,teacher education, educational policy, organization of education, management of education, teacher training

Cite this article as:

Pescaru*, M., & Pescaru, C. (2019). Development Of Interpersonal Relations In Modern School Management. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues, vol 67. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 852-860). Future Academy.