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The Values And Purpose-In-Life Orientations Of University Students In Russia And Transdniestria

Table 3:

Instrumental values Mann-Whitney U-test Transdniestrian students Russian students
Mean value Rank Mean value Rank
Neatness (tidiness), ability to keep things in order, orderly pursuit of affairs 7.59*** 7.24 4 13.06 16
Good manners 5.0 1 4.56 2
High demands to life and high ambitions 5.99*** 12.68 17 7.33 8
Cheerfulness (sense of humor) 3.04** 6.26 2 4.33 1
Readiness to perform one’s duty (discipline) 6.4*** 9.65 10 13.99 17
Independence (ability to act independently and decisively) 3.89*** 9.71 11 6.92 4
Intolerance of shortcomings in oneself and others 5.55*** 13.63 18 16.97 18
Education (breadth of knowledge, generally high cultural level) 6.89 3 7.39 9
Responsibility (sense of duty, keeping one’s word) 4.29*** 7.47 5 10.85 13
Rationalism (ability to think rationally and logically, to make rational decisions) 4.79*** 9.55 9 12.46 15
Self-control (restraint, self-discipline) 4.23*** 9.45 8 7.01 5
Boldness in upholding one’s opinion and views 10.47 14 11.01 14
Strong will (the ability to stand one’s ground, not to be deterred by difficulties) 4.02*** 9.35 7 6.89 3
Tolerance (of the views and opinions of others, ability to forgive others’ mistakes and delusions) 10.58 15 10.76 12
Breadth of views (ability to understand the others’ point of view, to respect the tastes, customs and habits of others) 4.11*** 11.57 16 8.96 10
Honesty (truthfulness, sincerity) 8.15 6 7.24 7
Efficiency (industry, productivity in work) 10.22 12 9.95 11
Ready sympathy (capacity to care) 4.22*** 10.45 13 7.13 6
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