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Psychological Adaptation Of Deaf And Hard-Of- Hearing Students

Table 2:

Parameters Type Of Acculturation Significance
«Hearing(I) N=38 «Deaf» (II)N=47 Marginality (III)N=21 Biculturalism (IV) N=31 Anova Scheffe
M±Σ M± Σ M± Σ M± Σ F P
Personality Characteristics
Self-Esteem 28,39±4,004 28,43±2,788 26,48±2,542 28,97±3,209 2,69 ,049 P III-IV=,064*
Extraversion 26,34±5,069 27,21±4,154 23,86±6,085 27,81±3,894 3,367 ,021 P II-III=,065*P III-IV=,035
Conscientiousness/ Organized 29,42±5,736 30,83±4,589 27,86±4,82 31,52±4,596 2,837 ,041 P III-IV=,084*
Agreeableness 34,0 ±4,243 33,79±3,243 31,52±4,986 35,1±4,053 3,366 ,021 P III-IV=,022
Emotional Stability 24,39±5,102 27,43±5,111 25,52±7,146 26,48±5,421 2,23 ,088*
Personality Resources 30,05±5,125 29,21±4,592 25,0±8,087 30,26±5,68 4,511 ,005 P I-III=,015P II-III=,048 P III-IV=,015
Psychological (mental) Health 57,42±7,31 57,53±6,189 53,48±6,794 59,26±6,25 3,259 ,024 Piii-IV=,026
Sense Of Self-Worth 31,32±4,281 30,85±5,393 28,24±3,974 31,61±4,224 2,601 ,055* P III-IV=,091*
Empathy/Love Capacity 32,74±3,874 31,19±3,261 30,9±4,603 33,16±4,172 2,634 ,053*
Distancing 57,57±14,689 48,91±13,295 53,13±13,593 58,09±12,99 3,984 ,009 P I-II=,042P II-IV=,042
Self-Control 52,09±17,055 44,53±15,864 42,81±13,008 50,37±18,372 2,384 ,072*
Acceptance Of Responsibility 58,12±17,359 47,76±14,514 52,57±15,554 50,7±14,709 3,21 ,025 P I-II=,029
Planning Of Solving The Problem 57,68±16,746 47,75±15,031 48,46±13,698 54,93±18,936 3,263 ,024 P I-II=,055*
Positive Reappraisal 59,07±14,576 49,31±12,97 44,92±13,106 58,45±16,687 6,976 <,001 P I-II=,024 P I-III=,006 P II-IV=,06* P III-IV=,013
Degree Of Hearing Loss
Degree Of Hearing Loss (without device) 2,84±0,754 3,36±0,705 3,52±0,68 2,97±0,752 6,116 ,001 P I-II=,016 P I-III= ,009 P III-IV=,067*
Degree Of Hearing Loss (with device) 1,61±0,595 2,4±0,851 2,38±0,921 2,23±0,845 8,156 <,001 P I-II<,001 P I-III<,007P I-IV=,019
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