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Spaces Of Social Relations And Risks In The Childrens Personal Development

Table 3:

Type of educational strategy Features of educational positions Difficulties of children, characteristic for this type of families Manifestations at the level of self-awareness
Group 1 (middle-lower social layer)
The authoritarian, tough strategy, as a way of adapting to the socioeconomic living conditions of the family (26%, 9 families) The authoritarian, tough position is taken by the father, an alternative to the conniving attitude of an emotionally and physically exhausted mother Transferring patterns of behavior of parents, in conflict or uncertain situations, provokes open aggression Fixing on the perception of the Other, as tough and controlling, confusion and anxiety when interacting with the receiving Other, entails an emotional stupor
Type of struggle and resistance(49%, 17 families) Parenthood is an investment in the child’s future the desire to hypo compensate, to restore his position Anxiety and internal stress focus on results, striving to achieve, perfectionism. Latent aggression, the desire to assign and retain Fusion, preoccupation with Others, fears of losing an object
Type of social imbalance(14%, 5 families) In the conditions of social uncertainty there appears some confusion, uncertainty and instability in the choice of educational strategy Emotional depression, apathy, a strong increase in anxiety in a frustrating situation, in a situation of uncertainty Other for the child does not structure the reality around, contradicting requirements and actions.
Type of social "mimicry"(11%, 4 families) The importance of obtaining the maximum amount of budgetary benefits from various children's institutions has been postulated Demonstrative, narcissistic, trespassing, difficult to establish long-term trustful relationships with peers, competitiveness, the desire to achieve Relation to the Other, as a field of possibilities for satisfying one’s own needs, manifesting oneself
Group 2 (middle-upper social layer)
Authoritarian, tough position, as an alternative educational strategy. (26%, 8 families) Сomplete absence of deep emotional contact with the mother, as well as constant frustration, from the nanny Feeling of internal anxiety, extreme tension, emotionally uncontrollable “surges”, tears child's loneliness Aggression and admiration for superpower, the desire to identify with it as a result of constant interaction with the tough, aggressively controlling Other
Sharp change of attitude to the child in the manifestations of parents(13%, 4 families) Indulgence, hyper-satisfaction, super-attention to the child gives way to authoritarianism, despotism with the use of physical force In controversial situations, there are bright emotional reactions accompanied by the inability to control oneself Internal conflict in the child's self-consciousness: soft, indulgent, satisfying, Other, suddenly gives way to despotic, authoritarian
Type of educational experimentation with children (the child, as a special creative project) (29%, 9 families) The creation of a “special personality”, the message “be not like everyone else” Uncertainty and tense rigidity in the child’s manifestations instead of the expected “freedom”, violation of the adult-child hierarchy Other is allowing, “soft”, not structuring, which gives the child “freedom” of expression and forms confusion, nebula
Indulging, supersatisfying type (32%, 10 families) An atmosphere of gaining positive reinforcements, minimizing the frustration of “ideal childhood" Superfreedom in its manifestations and hypersensitivity, resentment for the manifestations of others An all-consuming, expanding Self, where the Other "dissolves", becomes a source of satisfaction of needs
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