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The Competences To Explore, Present And Represent The Urban Space

Table 1:

The analysed aspect Assessment criteria Score (1-5)
Structure C1 Adequacy with the titleC2 Coherence of the paper 5
Research motivation C3 Clarity of presentation of the research problemC4 Argumentation of the research 5
Theoretical substantiation C5 Relevance of cited sources and information presentedC6 Timeliness of the sourcesC7 Completeness of the sources 4
Research methodology C8 Presentation of the time, participants, material researchC9 Description of the using of methods and toolsC10 Presentation of research design 5
Research results C11 Presentation in the text (essential aspects, details, systematization, coherence) 5
C12 Representing the results on the map (content, correctness of execution, thematic coverage of the subject, relevance) 5
C13 Representing the results on charts (content, relevance, correctness of execution) 5
C14 Presentation of the space in photographs (content, clarity, relevance) 5
Discussions C15 Situation in space (spatial relationships, city-district relationship, relationship with environmental components, etc.) 5
C16 Situation in time (evolution of the city and district) 5
C17 Geographic characterization of the studied area 5
C18 Urban development of the studied area 5
C19 Characterization of each element (TRU) 5
C20 Highlighting strengths and opportunitiesC21 Highlighting dysfunctions/ weaknesses/ threats 4
C22 Presenting measures/solution, proposals in order to eliminate the problems/ dysfunctions/ weaknesses/ threats/dangers and to optimize the functionality of the district 4
Conclusions C23 Synthesis, highlighting features and site specificity 3
Writing the scientific paper C24 Respecting the structure of a scientific paper (title, introduction, theoretical foundation, method, results, discussions, conclusions, bibliography) 2
C25 Respecting the requirements of a scientific paper (quoting sources, scientific language, systematization / organization, correctness and relevance of information, depth / coverage of details, composition of the bibliography) 5
C26 Frame and aesthetics of the paper 5
Total 87
Mean 4.57
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