Traditionally, time is seen as the action of measuring the distance between events. It is composed of past, present and future. This article investigates the future teachers attitude on the usefulness of training skills or time management of their own, or for students. Are taken into account two direction of investigation, considering that one decisive influence the other in terms of efficiency of the teaching and learning process. The results and interpretation are based on the intention to analyse the degree of understanding complementary concepts, such as prioritization, delegation of tasks, communication skills, setting goals, organizing space, etc. It was made an analysis about how the causes that lead to inefficient management of time are perceived, because, as a pedagogical resource, time have to be discovered during school years and considered as a supporting factor, when judiciously used or, on the contrary as a major disruptive element when it is not used properly. The data obtained were used in order to describe the construction of a conceptual framework for the management of time efficiently applied in education, an framework of components thereof, in respondents view. In the future we want to investigate the practical effectiveness of this framework and to test its level of practical applicability in school life.
Keywords: Timemanagementprioritiesperformancelearning process
Nowadays, the proper use of time is a fundamental aspect in terms of performance in so diverse areas. Both at the personal and organizational level, time management idea go beyond its control, moving towards improved quality of life.
The scientific literature (Britton, 1991; Claessens, Van Eerde, & Roe, 2007 etc.) records the benefits of the correct use of time. Some of them are mentioned below:
• Decreasing the stress levels in relation to professional and personal activities
• Increasing productivity
• A better selection procedures for establishing goals
• Maintaining a balance between work and rest, between professional and personal life
• High quality of life
• Increasing the ability to prioritize
• Increasing organizational skills
Time management issues, even though are from other areas, perfectly fit the educational field, because here, decisions such as those related to prioritization, setting goals and strategies must be taken every time. The temporal dimension of work has become a growing concern since the beginning of this millennium, backed by the permanent feeling that there is not enough time to complete everything they propose.
As a concept, time management was introduced in the 50s and is considered an effective way to cope with professional challenges. At first was an action plan that included:
• techniques for establishing goals, on short and long term;
• ways of linking these goals with consistent actions;
• planning and prioritization action;
• ways to avoid syncope and interruptions;
• ways to increase efficiency at work.
Problem Statement
The problem that we intend to examine is based on the low number of research that examines how teachers address issues of time management in their area of interest: the education. Therefore, according to this idea, we aimed to investigate the perception of time management of primary schools teachers, aspects such as:
• time planning
• personal attitude towards time
• perception on time consumers
• identifying ways to improve personal time management skills
Research Questions
Research that will be presented below is based on a fundamental question designed to clarify aspects of the importance of time management in education. This formulation was preceded by literature review and informal discussions with specialists in time management, in or outside the education system. As a result of these efforts, the following fundamentals questions emerged:
What is the perception of primary school teachers on time management in education?
In order to obtain accurate answers, we considered useful detailing general question and thus formulated a few additional questions:
1. What is the attitude of primary school teachers on the concept of time in relation to the educational environment?
2. What is the perception of primary school teachers related with time consumers?
3. What type of action planning and prioritization teachers are familiar with?
4. What is the attitude of primary school teachers on the idea of improving their time management skills?
Specific questions were designed to guide further our research into finding ways to develop time management skills, for both, teachers and pupils.
Purpose of the Study
The study was a conjunction: on the one hand, we intend to identify teachers' opinions on issues of time management, such as: time perception, perception of times consumers, planning and prioritization actions carried out by teachers, identifying their training needs in this area and carry out clarification on training students in these skills accurate time management. So we decided to build in depth interviews for a number of 11 teachers from Cluj and Sălaj County, all having teaching experience of at least 15 years in primary education, highest didactic degree and they are consecrated specialists.
Interviews were conducted individually during second school semester, from 2017 to 2018 and were based on an interview guide with support questions, according with each research question. This guide has been made available to teachers, together with any clarifications whereon the interviewees were deemed necessary.
Research Methods
This article is based on a research methodology based on qualitative analysis of the results collected, being designed for understanding the effectiveness of the educational process as a whole (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000). In this research study were interviewed teachers that could contribute to understanding the role of time management in education. Teachers who have been choose have significant teaching experience, which allowed them a broader perspective on the influences of time management and a significant contribution to understanding the subject.
The primary means of data collection was the in depth interview, considered as a suitable method to investigate such issues. In depth interview allows respondents to express their perceptions and is one of the most common ways in which people's behaviour can be understood.
"The interview is a middle weight, which helps people to do things that were open to them, hidden. - to express their perceptions, thoughts and their implicit understandings" (Arksey & Knight, 1999, p. 32). The interview allows the creation of empathy, connection, allowing flexibility and coverage researched phenomenon (Fontana & Frey, 2005). As a result of this decision, the interview guide was constructed to capture faithfully our research intentions and report rigorously teachers opinions..
Results in relation to the research question No. 1.
What is the attitude of primary school teachers on the concept of time in relation to the educational environment?
The first research question sought to examine how teachers relate to the idea of time when making its connection with the educational environment. We found that the references have coalesced around two clearly structured approaches which are not mutually exclusive:
- philosophical approach: Time is immutable, flows one way from past to future, is irreversible (time is something you cannot even stop, nor can hope that he would return), perception of time is subjective (a moment you find sometimes forever)
- practical approach: time is an rational and productive if you know how to use it correctly; time can be controlled successfully on short term, but subject to hazard the long term; Time control is the key to efficiency and productivity
Such a multiple approach shows that teachers surveyed address seriously the problem of time in relation to the educational environment and thus emphasize his good management, increasing the chances that this attitude to be reflected in the approach of students
Results in relation to the research question No. 2.
What is the perception of primary school teachers about time consumers?
After processing the data obtained in the interviews, there were identified a number of factors that make it difficult approach for efficient organization of time.
We found that they are predominantly internal factors, such as:
• Failure to accurately estimate the time required to fulfil a task, the underestimation or overestimation
• The need to carry two or more tasks simultaneously
• Difficulty in prioritize tasks correctly: it is difficult to differentiate between what is important and what is urgent
• Inability to refuse requests of others
Also listed and interviewed the external aspects, such as:
• Overcrowding of tasks with the same deadline;
• Extending the tasks of teachers and school administrative area
• High level of bureaucracy specific schools today
• Too many changes in a short period of time
Results in relation to the research question No. 3
What action planning and prioritization do primary school teachers know?
Regarding action planning known by teachers (other than those related to the design teaching), were identified several types of such behaviour:
• Planning a week before
• Planning the day before
• Plan activities with less advance to take place
• planning occasional activities
• Lack of planning activities
This typology mentioned refers to the various attitudes planning time in education, but teachers identify the major planning activities a week before, followed by planning activities with day before. Regarding the lack of planning, there is no identification with such behaviour. Analysing the results of breakdowns provided by teachers to this question, we learn that in school, this type of training prior educational actions is considered by teachers interviewed a necessity.
Reasons cited were diverse, the most common response related to the need for a positive attitude in class, on time management model. They are mentioned and personal benefits of prioritization, which provides more time to use it for things that they like or that they are useful, or those for which otherwise you never have time.
Results in relation to the research question No. 4
What is the attitude of primary school teachers with the idea of improving their time management skills?
Teachers are aware of the importance of training to improve their skills or time management, considering that such an approach would be beneficial in all respects. It stresses that improving these skills should be done in a stand-alone course, because efficiency would be much higher than by trial and error. Interviewees believe that participation in such a program may lead to improve the quality of personal life, being possible to extrapolate specific techniques daily educational environment in space.
Analysis of the results leads us towards drawing conclusions in our research intended user. We seem helpful to show that teachers interviewed think that time management is more than a simple time management, being, in fact, an action that requires time control, manage their own behaviour, defining priorities, responsibilities, replacing old habits with new ones more productive etc. Since the educational resources is limited in time, we believe that efficiency is the key and know how to organize our schedule. Based on the data obtained, we consider it appropriate that in a future research programs to propose structuring a course time management, personal and professional development for teachers. Also stress the importance of individual learning these skills in training, knowing that in adulthood, it is one of the specific strategies (Jucan, 2009).
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- Fontana, A., & Frey, J. H. (2005). The Interview: From Neutral Stance to Political Involvement. In N. K. Retrieved from https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2005-07735-027
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- Jucan, D (2009). Strategii de activitate intelectuală, [Intellectual activity strategies],Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință.
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Publication Date
25 June 2019
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Future Academy
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Teacher, teacher training, teaching skills, teaching techniques, special education, children with special needs
Cite this article as:
Muste, D. (2019). Time Management Applied In Education. In V. Chis, & I. Albulescu (Eds.), Education, Reflection, Development – ERD 2018, vol 63. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 77-82). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.06.10