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A Fresh Insight Into Visitors’ Decision-Making Process In Hotel Industry Of Pakistan

Table 3:

Constructs & Items ρ λ CR AVE
Attitude towards Green Hotels        
ATGH_1 .783 .819 0.940 0.691
ATGH_2 .825 .878
ATGH_3 .955 .878
ATGH_5 .863 .857
ATGH_4 .993 .896
ATGH_6 .729 .768
ATGH_7 .610 .707
Environmental beliefs about Green Behavior
EnvB_1 .753 .806 0.934 0.740
EnvB_2 .841 .853
EnvB_3 .924 .903
EnvB_4 .883 .874
EnvB_5 .884 .861
Luxury beliefs about Green Behavior
LB_1 .688 .710 0.839 0.636
LB_2 .912 .884
LB_3 .766 .789
Intent to visit Green Hotel
IVGH_1 .734 .726 0.813 0.522
IVGH_2 .759 .746
IVGH_3 .716 .701
IVGH_4 .670 .715
Overall Image of Green Hotels
Sus_Img1 .760 .829 0.886 0.712
Sus_Img2 .861 .858
Sus_Img3 .882 .862
Willingness to pay more for Green Hotels
IPM1 .672 .774 0.806 0.586
IPM2 .872 .808
IPM3 .643 .711
Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring.
Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
KMO = 0.903; Chi - square = 6416.822*, df = 300
Measurement model fit statistics:        
a. Absolute fit indices
χ2=368.442, df=257, P=0.000, RMSEA=0.057, SRMR=0.024
b. Incremental fit indices
CFI=0.982, and TLI=0.979
Note.*p<0.05; ρ=Factor loadings at 0.40 using EFA; λ=standardized factors loadings using CFA; CR=Composite Reliability; AVE=average variance extracted.
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