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Electronic Government Application And Trust Towards Government Administration: A Review

Table 1:

Article Objective Respondents Variables Findings
Rebuilding public trust in government administration through e-government actions. Belanche & Casalo (2015) To know whether the e-government initiatives could be engaged to increase trust in Public Administration. Data was collected via web survey from the Spaniards who use e-service provided by the Spanish government in year 2014. E-Service qualityPublic Administration Communication (PAC)Attitude of the citizenTrust in the public administration Positive relationship of e-service quality and trust in Public Administration.Public Administration Communication does not have a positive direct effect on citizen trust in the public administration. Public Administration Communication has a strong positive effect when they are consistent with citizen’s attitude toward e-government. Thus this result proposes that public administration messages promoting e-government is a great indication to build trust for those citizens with a favourable attitude toward e-government.
Trust and risk in e-government adoptionBelanger & Carter (2008) To analyse the impact of trust and risk perceptions on individual’s willingness to use e-government services. Surveys were distributed to 243 citizens from different setting which are community concert and undergraduate class at south-eastern university in United States. Web use intentionTrust of the InternetTrust of the governmentDisposition to trustPerceived risk Trust of the internet and trust of the government influence positively the intention to use. Disposition to trust influence positively, the trust of the Internet and trust of the government. Trust of the government lessens the perceived risk of using e-government services.Higher levels of perceived risk did not cut intention to use.Trust of the Internet did not affect risk perceptions.
A cue or two and I’ll trust you: Determinants of trust in government organizations in terms of their processing and usage of citizens personal information disclosed online.Beldad, van der Geest, de Jong & Steehouder (2011) To identify the determinants of people’s trust in government organizations in term of their processing and usage of citizens’ personal data. Online survey were carried-out on 2500 respondents residing in one of the municipalities in the Netherlands. However, a total of 1156 respondents completed the survey. Propensity to trustOrganizational reputationQuality of previous online transaction experiencePerceived website qualityPerceived website securityConfidence in privacy statement Result exposed that Internet user’s confidence in online privacy statements is vital determinant of their trust in governments in term of how they use and process citizen’s personal data. The quality of their previous online government transactions and the positive reputation of government organizations play as a key roles in shaping their trust in government organization for respondents who previously have an experience with e-government. The quality of a government website did not influence trust in government organization in term of how they process and use citizen personal data.
The utilization of e-government services: citizen trust, innovation and acceptance factors.Carter & Belanger (2005) To formulate a parsimonious and comprehensive model of factors that influence citizen adoption of e-government initiatives. A set of questionnaires were circulated to 106 citizens between the ages of 14 to 83 years old at a community concert. Perceived UsefulnessPerceived ease of useImageRelative AdvantageCompatibilityTrust of InternetTrust of state governmentUse intentions. If the service is easy to use, the citizen intentions to use a state e-government service will increase. There is an association between high levels of perceived compatibility and intention to adopt state e-government initiatives.There is a positive linkage between higher levels of perceived trustworthiness and citizens’ intention to use a state e-government service. Higher levels of perceived image do not directly affect citizens’ intention to use state government services online. Higher levels of perceived relative advantage do not directly affect citizen intention to use state e-government services.
Building citizen trust through e-governmentParent, Vandebeek & Gemino (2005). To identify which online initiatives have succeeded in increasing trust and external political efficacy in voters. Internet-based survey was conducted to 199 Canadian voters from 5 May to 10 June, 2003. Internal political self-efficacyService qualityExternal political self-efficacyPolitical trust Individual’s political efficacy influences the level of trust in government.Individual’s internal political efficacy effect the external political self-efficacy.The quality of internet operation is influenced the citizen trust toward the government.The quality of the internet transaction did not influence the individual’s external political efficacy.
Linking Citizen Satisfaction with e-government and Trust in GovernmentWelch, Hinnant & Moon (2005) To investigate how internet use, citizen satisfaction with e-government and citizen trust in government are interrelated. The data was collected between 12 and 19 November 2001 from 806 adults including an over sample of 155 Internet users through telephone by a random dialled number. A survey data from Council of Excellence in Government in US were obtained prior random dialled number take place. Trust in governmentGovernment web site useOverall e-government satisfactionGovernment web site satisfactionInternet useSatisfaction with governmentTransaction satisfactionTransparency satisfactionInteractivity satisfaction Level of Internet use is strongly related with the government Web site use.Government Web site use is positively linked with e-government satisfaction and that e-government satisfaction is positively associated with trust in government. Citizen generally satisfied with the provision of information electronically although dissatisfaction exists on the transaction and interactivity of Web sites.
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