Dual Archive Record To Support School Accountability


Introduction: the purpose of this research was to develop a school accountability model based on dual archive record at private high school. Development of school accountability model using dual archive record (DAR) is anticipated to boost the standard of managment education in school united of the aspects of quality assurance on an establishment, as a result of throughout the school’s ability to account for everything concerning its performance to public and government is not supported by physical proof to make sure legal. The study designed for 2 years and this paper is that ther results of analysis within the intial year. Methodology: The analysis approach of research and development (R&D). The topic of this analysis is all the parties regarding the accontability of school that square measure students, teachers, employees, society, and therefore executive education department. Data analysis is using qualitative approach. Finding: The results show performance of school is not supported by enough documents. This can be because of school archive management is not accordint to that used archive system in order that records cannot be found back quickly and even to loss of school archives. Research limitations: The study focuses on the development of school accountability based dual archive record. Implication: Documents is rediscovered quickly and properly. Additionally, DAR is additionally terribly effective to support school accountability. Contribution: This study suggests the applying of school accountability based DAR model, because the DAR model will be able to support school accountability.

Keywords: School accountabilityarchivedual archive record


The goverment at this time emphasized the importance of excellent governance through good archive management system to build accountability. Archives are important part related memory, supply of data and as an essential observance tool in each organization. Jalal (2011) states the standard of school as instructional establishment is measured from 3 aspects, namely: 1) ability, 2) certification, and 3) accountability. Accountability of the school are realised if the school has adequate documentary support. Jalal expressed that in Republic of Indonesia, several academic establishment are weak and not a number of academic establishments do not seem to be responsible or accountable (2011).

The results of the analysis from Pratiwi shows that the lack of school accountability at senior high school and junior high school in Semarang (Pratiwi, 2012). The research from Albert shows that handling of good archives among the organization can increase accountability (2001). Archives managed in accordance with preset systems are associate correct supply of data. If truth be told that the school accountability is not optimum, one in all them is caused by the lack of the school in provide evidence to support accountability to interested parties.

Oktarina's analysis results indicate that poor management of school archives causes the low capability of documents to accountability of schools (2016). School archive management has been histrorically still not utilizing technological advances. In order that the management of archive school has not been able to offer document to support school accountability. The issues that usually arise ini schools embody the issue of rediscovering the mandatory archives and documents. Handling poor filing management system makes it tough to search out vital letters and school documents once required, document tucked and lost.

Manual archive management at school has disadvantages related to document security. Within the event of natural disaster like floods and fires not have coppies of the documents. Supported Oktarina’s analysis regarding the management of archives school at non-public high schools in Central Java province shows the archive management at school not optimum (2016). Out of 961 non-public high schools in Central java, the management of archive school solely 2 school have sensible class. Majority on enough class. This occurs because of the lack of commitment in archive management. Additionally, the archive management remains ancient and not use of IT. The majority of schools in central java have not good archive management. In detail, the condition of archive school management at non-public school in Central Java Province is seen in the table one.

Table 1 -
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This condition ought to be serious attention by finding an answer for the management archive of school to be a lot of systematic and economical. From preliminary analysis at a non-public high school in Central Java on May 12th-17th, 2017; it absolutely was discoverd that the management of school archives at non-public high schools in Central Java was not systematic as a result of archive management was still ancient and therefore the filling systems were not consistant. The efforts that may be done to beat the tough downside of handling the archive within the era of technology nowadays is one in all them is to syle and develop the model of school archive management primarily based DAR.

Problem Statement

Based on the results of observations and interviews, almost all private high schools use manual archive management. Supported by Barber (2000) explains that currently almost a large number of organizations are still using or managing archives manually, because the documents managed in the form of paper, CD, or other physical media are still widely carried out. This makes managing records manually still relevant to use in today's digital era.

Managing records manually includes a variety of activities in archive planning up to destruction of archives that are no longer used. Ibnu Syamsi (1994), archive management will help in formulating organizational policies and objectives or processes that provide oversight of things involved in implementing policies and achieving goals. If the file owned by the school is poorly managed, it will result in difficulty finding the information that has been stored and will ultimately hinder the subsequent work process. Management of records can be said to be good and correct if at the time the archive is needed it can be recovered quickly and precisely.

Based on the results of interviews in the field, it was shown that the manual management of the records applied at school was still not good. This is because the archive is still hard to find, besides the limited space and storage area for the archive. The most fatal happen in managing records is the loss of physical evidence and archival information due to natural disasters. One solution that can be done to overcome problems in managing records manually is by managing records electronically. Management of electronic records is related to the use of computer technology, which can complete records management work more quickly, accurately, easily, flexibly, and productively.

Management of electronic records has advantages in terms of security control with the access control, navigation, and interactivity of the program. In addition, electronic records management is superior in terms of time, cost and energy. However, managing electronic records also has weaknesses, including depending on electricity, and archivists who understand IT are needed.

Some private high schools in Central Java also have used archive management based electronic. However, the results of observations and interviews show that managing records electronically is only limited to the use of computer technology, while for physical records it is not stored properly. This will actually lead to invalidation of information due to the absence of physical evidence in the form of the archive. As a result of managing records electronically, the school cannot account for the school's performance properly.

Therefore, researchers developed Dual Archive Record (DAR) model to assist in accountability of school performance. According to Pendit (2007) dual archiver record is an archive where 'new' electronic information and hardcopy are brought together in integrated

Based on the description of the management of traditional networks and connected through the Internet network. By using the DAR model, schools are expected to be able to manage records properly and correctly. So the school will be easy to provide document support when implementing school accreditation.

Research Questions

The question of this research about the model of archive management based DAR to support school accountability. During this reaserch it absolutely was investigated the Dual Archive Record (DAR) to support school accoutnability.

Purpose of the Study

The aim of this study was to analyze how the Dual Archive Record (DAR) model will support school performance accountability. The secondary aim was to investigate of the practicableness of archive management based on DAR to supporting accountability at school.

Research Methods

This study used R & D (Research and Development) based the principles of Borg and Gall (1989), this is have four stage: (1) the preliminary, (2) the development of the model, (3) the validation of model, and (4) the determination of model to find the finish model. The stage of preliminary studies dole out within the Widya Wiyata Senior High School, Nurul Islam Senior High School, and Pancasila Senior High School. The design of development DAR model to support school accountability with experts through focus group discussions (FGD) and consultations/discussions. Validation part and restricted testing are conducted on the item of analysis and validation internally with peers and consultants folks. The third part is enforced within the initial year, second year implementing external validation part with the implementation of the model to seek out the final model and dissemination.

The data source is divided into 2, namely: (1) human; and (2) do not seem to be human; source of human information subject or key informants. Whereas the information sources do not seem to be human sourced from documents. Determination of informants as information supply mistreatment puposive sampling techniques or with explicit thought is to grasp and be concerned within the organization of schools, particulary associated with school accountability to each internal and external parties. Information sources include: (1) teachers at school, (2) administration staffs, (3) headmaster, (4) student at school, (5) folks, (6) stakeholders. Sources and techniques of information assortment and analysis subject are seen in table 2 .

Table 2 -
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Data analysis method starts with examining all offered information from varied sources, specifically from interviews, observation, documents, photos, images, and then forth. During this study mistreatment information analysis for the sector is once the sector information assortment in progress, Milles and Hubermen in Sugiyono (2006) through activites that reduction of data, display data and conclusion.

This study used the qualitative approach, the analyzed of information using an interactive model that is through the method of data collection and presentation of information. At the time of the information conferred cannot be ended or irregularities are found, the information is reduced through verification. Information reduction is completed endlessly throughout the information assortment takes place. Since the data analysis and verification is completed, then at that point the researchers conjointly began to form sense and interpret the information obtained. The researcher call gave which means is to draw conclusions whereas still permitting it to be mounted. Whereas the clear conslusion another time reduced through verification. Then once researchers believe that the conclusion has been sturdy and than researchers interpret the results. Analysis of the primary to explore the model and notice the theoretical model.


The Implementation of School Accountability at Senior High School

Schools as an academic establishment that is responsible able to maintain the standard of its output in order that is accepted by the general public. Therefore, during this case accountable/responsible or not an academic establishment also depands on the standard of its output. Additionally, the accountability of an establishment conjointly depends on the power of an establishment responsible to the general public authority. However the school is in a position to account for the authority given to the general public, actually the challenge the school’s responsibility.

The lack of school accountability at senior high school in Central Java caused of poorly document. Supported observations within the field note that school accountability to each internal and external parties do not seem to be offset by the carrying capability of the document. Documents to support school accountability is uasually incomplete or tucked away once required. Standards associated with school performance, majority of schools use enfranchisement standard and a few of them use the enfranchisement and ISO standards. Conditions within the field associated with school accountability, poorly supported by the provision of ducuments complete, correct, and quickly found once required. Implementation of school accountability that is command in accordance with the results of interviews and observations at senior high school within the Central Java Province, the bulk of schools failed to support with the great document management system and mechanism. So that the document are slipped, lost, or damaged. In summary, the model of school accountability within the senior high school at Central Java Province is seen in Figure 1 .

Figure 1: Implementation of School Accountability
Implementation of School Accountability
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  • Dual Archive Record (DAR) to Support School Accountability at Senior High School

Implementation of school accountability is not optimum as a result of the implementation is not supported by the documents are complete, correct, and quickly found once required. The school realised the importance of supporting documents accountability if there will be enfranchisement or external parties who would like to need the information. Throughout, these documents that exist in each method of education in schools, that of input, process, and output managed a modest in spite of the mechanism of the proper document storage system. Lack of ability of the administration employee is additionally one of all the causes for these schools that do not have sensible document management. The archive management remains ancient and fewer use technological progress. Schools with unhealthy majority archives management are non-public school settled within the districts of Central Java Province. Underneath these conditions, the model developed with Dual Archive Record (DAR) to support school accountability. The model image is seen in figure 2 .

Figure 2: DAR Model to Support School Accountability
DAR Model to Support School Accountability
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The DAR model beginning from the identification of archive. It is that the activity of distinguishing records per the kind. Than kind and so authentic archives cluster, the archives are created within the sort of electronic archive (e-archive) through the scanning method. Read & Ginn (2011) “electronic record is a record stored on electronic storage media that can be readly accessed or changed”. Consecutive step of the electronic archive is managed by employing a system developed by every school through the integrated manual filing system and electronic storage.

The system consisted of file management, type management, , records management, archives management and correspondence management,. Associate understanding of the organizing principles within the archiving management (centralized, decentralized, and combined) ought to follow organizing unit contexts and process units of archives. The essential selection of archive organization is a very important facet in archival management, thus; the archiving management method is done effectively and with efficiently. The storage system is outlined as a system for managing and rediscovering archives supported the chosen pointers to boost the effectiveness and potency of your time, place, energy, and value utilization.

The archive storage and therefore the archive find system carries with it 5 systems, they are: (1) date system, (2) subject system, (3) alphabet system, (4) numerical system, and area system. The date system is filling system based on date. The second is the subject system, archive manage by the topic or subject. The alphabet system is a archive management using alphabet to arrange the archive storage. The numerical system is the storage system based on the code of number. The last area system is that a archive filling based on territory.

The archives management of school with DAR can support accountability at school. By using DAR, the school will offer info quickly, performance reports are supported by adequate information, and preventing information loss. Supported the results of this analysis will recommended to senior high school to implementation of school accountability based DAR model. This will be increasing of school accountability.


The conclusion of this research are:1) the implementation of school accountability is lack evidence, that are not complete, correct, and quickly found once required, 2) records management is not according to that ussed archival system in order that records slipped, lost and cannot be found back quickly. Based on this research suggested the applying of school accountability model based dual archive record model. This may be a major contribution to support school accountability.

The implication from this analysis is thru the implementation of DAR model can make sure the accessibility of authentic documents regarding school academic performance. Documents are rediscovered quickly if at any time necessary. It is also secured the completeness and accuracy of the document as a result of at each stage within the implementation of educational activities within the school the document has been managed in the management of school archives. In addition, the implementation of this model does not cost much and easily appoints one archivist for every school. Additionlly, this model is also very effective to support school accountability.


The authors would really like to impart for all of informants during this study, Pancasila Senior High School, Widya Wiyata Senior High School, and Nurul Islam Senior High School for his or her useful remarks on erlier versions of this text.


  1. Albert, M. (2001). Accountability in an Information Age: Opportunity and Risks for Records Management. Netherland, Academic Publisher.
  2. Barber, A.J. (2000). The origin of the Woyla Terranes in Sumatera and the Late Mesozoic evolution of the Sundalan Margin. Journal of Asian Earth Science. 713-738.
  3. Borg, R Walter & Gall, Meredith D. (1989). Educational Research an Introduction Fifth Edition. New York: Longman
  4. Ibnu Syamsi. (1994). System and Procedure of Work. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
  5. Jalal, F. (2011). Indonesian Paradigm. Jakarta, Gramedia.
  6. Oktarina, N. (2016). Management of Archive in Private School in Semarang. Semarang, Universitas Negeri Semarang.
  7. Pratiwi, E. (2012). Effects of Participation in Budgeting and Reporting System on School Accountability.
  8. Read, J. & Ginn, M.L. (2011). Record Management (9th ed). Mason, Ohio: Thomson South-Western.
  9. Sugiyono. (2006). Qualitative, Quantitative, and R&D Research. Bandung: Alfabeta.

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17 May 2019

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Business, innovation, sustainability, environment, green business, environmental issues

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Sholikah, M., Pramono, S. E., Rachman, M., Widodo, J., & Oktarina*, N. (2019). Dual Archive Record To Support School Accountability. In M. Imran Qureshi (Ed.), Technology & Society: A Multidisciplinary Pathway for Sustainable Development, vol 62. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 455-463). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.05.02.45