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A Teachers’ Observation Tool For Critical And Self-Reflective Processes On Positive Pedagogical Practice

Table 4:

Meaning Category Attributes Indicators
Satisfaction Achievements We appreciate achievements, we celebrate them, we enjoy the obtained satisfaction
Autonomy Self-regulation of learning processes I facilitate/boost -with communication, methods, tasks- that students work with autonomy, and self-regulate their workI pay attention to work on self-knowledgeStudents participate on making decisionsI allow students to propose, design tasks, activities, evaluationsStudents self-evaluate their workWe appeal, and apply strengths like persistence, optimism, integrity, self-esteem, critical thinking, which enhance autonomy
Meaning Significance and Value of learning objectives We discuss and reflect on the utility, value, application, meaning of learnings in our personal and social lifeWe discuss and reflect on the commitment and belonging sense to school and communityWe express values, strengths, virtues through practice and behaviorI encourage a critical and reflective attitude on their work, on what is done in school, and its connection to their motivations, the world and the society
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