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A Teachers’ Observation Tool For Critical And Self-Reflective Processes On Positive Pedagogical Practice

Table 3:

Cognitive category Attributes Indicators
Positive Relationships Positive Communication/Positive language -I enhance positive language for students to learning positive and effective communication
Attitudes and Abilities for Collaboration I plan classroom activities for students to know each other while they work togetherI implement methods that enhance to help othersI feel students trust each other, they count on them.Activities are planned for students to enjoy working, participating and learning togetherI perceive students enjoy working togetherCooperative learning activities are present in a regular basis
Social Support Ask for help/ Offer support I facilitate a safe a supportive environment for students to express openly and in freedomI offer help, and dedicate time to listen to students (as individuals and as a group)
Social integration Belonging We appreciate and value contributions of students to the groupWe come to agreement on the group goals, activities, and rules
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