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School Motivation, Goal Orientations And Emotional Intelligence In Students Of Secondary Education

Table 2:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
School motivation
1.Intrinsic to stimulating exp. 1
2.Intrinsic to knowledge .600** 1
3.Intrinsic to achievement .628** .717** 1
4. External extrinsic .289** .374** .328** 1
5. Identified extrinsic .422** .459** .451** .425** 1
6. Introjected extrinsic .445** .337** .396** .398** .486** 1
7. Amotivation -.170** -.097* -.117** .257** .026 .019 1
Goal orientations
8. Task .410** .390** . 444** .003 .017 .012 -.298** 1
9. Ego .172** .036 .145** .328** .127** .190** .205** .246** 1
10. Emotional attention .478** .437** .378** .222** .322** .298** -.320** .383** 100** 1
11. Emotional clarity .328** .311** .258** ,015 .189** .118** -.271** .378** -.029** .155** 1
12. Emotional regulation .446** .398** .387** .279** .312** .308** -.094* .355** .093* .055 .451**
Mean 4.02 3.80 3.91 2.50 3.53 3.74 1.74 4.28 3.24 3.44 3.41 3.56
SD .69 .79 .74 .89 .84 .68 .76 .58 .96 .75 .72 .75
Cronbach’s alpha .79 .86 .84 .83 .84 .82 .85 .85 .82 .79 .83 .82
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