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Development Of Economic Entities Based On Analysis Of Concerned Parties’ Interests

Table 2:

The main components of interaction of an economic entity with stakeholders
The components determining the relations with stakeholders Participation Parties Process Interactions
Authorities The assessment of the influence’natureof stakeholders’ requirements and the share of their participation inpower use Determination of the power type, applied by the parties to optimum interaction Differentiation of processes according to the applied power Interaction of efficiency evaluation on the basis of the power
Criticality Assessment of expectations level from "investment" into participation Determination of criticalities degreeof perception of attributes, behavior and belief of the parties Assessment of the process importance for effective activities Determination of importance degree of each participants for interactions
Rationality Determination of nature of participation: cognitive, social, personal, etc. Identification of the parties’ relations prospects and their influence on the change of opinions and interests Assessment of processes impact andprocedures influence theopportunity ofrationalization of activity Identification to what extent relations influencethe possibility of equal dialogue
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