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Identification Of Ways To Improve Economic Security And Economic Growth Of Russia

Table 1:

Indicators Threshold values 2017 Safety zone (+) /threat(s) (-)
Sphere of real economy
1. Rates of economic GDP growth, % 5-6 3-6 -
2. Investments into fixed capital, into % to GDP 25-30 24,8 -
3. A share of mechanical engineering and metal working in industrial production, % 25-30 21,8 -
4. Collecting grain, million tons 110 134,1 +
5. A share of the shipped innovative production 15 17,5 +
Social sphere
6. A population share with incomes below the poverty line 7 13,8 -
7. Coefficient of funds (a ratio of income of 10% of highly profitable and 10% of low-profitable segments of the population, times) 8 15,5 -
8. Unemployment rate on methodology of the ILO, % 4 5,1 -
Monetary and financial sphere
9. Size of gold and foreign exchange reserves, bln. dollars 250 432,1 +
10. Annual rate of inflation, % 3-4 2,52 +
11. Level of monetization of economy, money supply on the end of the year in % to GDP 50-70 46,09 +
12. Federal budget deficit -3 -3,3 -
13. An internal debt, % to GDP 25 13,5 +
14. An external debt, % to GDP 40 25 +
External economic sphere
15. Share of import food in all food resources, % 25 22 +
16. Balance of external trade balance, in % to GDP 8 27,5 +
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