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Digitalized Personnel Management

Table 2:

Consequence of digitalized personnel management paradigm Structural changes in the personnel management activity
Structural changes in staff requirements Need for “digital talents”(Molotkova & Khazanova, 2017)
Production automation Replacing of mid-market professionals with machines
Focus on digital talents development Employee value transformation
Active change of competencies required by the company Orientation to HiPo-employees
Digitalization of jobs (Sandri, 2012; Tapscott & Williams, 2010) Hygonomics
The introduction of automated accounting systems of performance indicators based on IoT technologies Decentralization of managerial functions, up to the complete abolition
Increase of productivity Reduced work schedules
Transition to project work Active leadership development
Ubiquitous use of e-learning Redistribution of responsibility in the field of employee training
Orientation to innovative development The introduction of design thinking
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