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Methods Of Sensory Marketing: Experience Of Russian Retail

Table 2:

Mechanism of influence Aroma Audio
Receptor cells Chemoreceptors (Olfactory and gustation systems ) Mechanioreceptors (Phonoretseptors in the auditory system, receptors of the organs of equilibrium, receptors of the outer integument of the body)
Principle of impact Aroma signals Mechanical vibrations
Perception by the brain Signals enter the cortex of the lower surface of the temporal lobe of the brain, where the upper section of the olfactory analyzer is located Primary perception of sound occurs in the cortex of the temporal lobes of the brain
Method of acceptance of information Nose. Morphofunctional system that realizes the perception and analysis of chemical irritants acting on the organs of smell. About 50 million receptors of the olfactory epithelium participate in the sense of smell, which are denuded nerve terminals. An ear. Vibrating air enters the ear canal and presses on the eardrum. This pressure is transmitted to the cochlea. Small villi turn vibrations into sound.
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