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Risk-Oriented Approach In The System Of Enterprise Economic Security

Table 2:

Component name Essence
Internal environment it includes the atmosphere and climate in the organization, determining what response is the risk of employees of the economic entity. In this aspect, the leading role is played by the philosophy of risk management, ethical codes, the environment that ensures their adoption and implementation
Goal setting identified prior to the realization of events potentially affecting their achievement. The management of the organization should properly organize the process of selecting goals, their formation, correlation with the mission of the organization and risk appetite
Event definition dividing events into risks and opportunities
Risks evaluation is made taking into account the analysis of probability of emergence, degree and quality of influence on the purpose
Risk response it is implemented, based on the method chosen by the concept, through a number of measures to bring the risk to an acceptable level
Means of control development of policies and procedures to ensure timely response to a possible risk event
Information and communication reliable information and recording of information, that is interesting in the development of the risk management concept, produced in the prescribed form and on time
Monitoring monitoring of risk management process, adjustment
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