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Organization Of Practice-Oriented Training In New Economic Conditions: The Process Approach

Table 1:

Activity Competences Tasks Form of organization Tools
Organization-managerial Ability to communication in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages for solving tasks of inter-person and inter-cultural collaboration; Participation in developing and realization of corporate and competition strategies of the entity, and of functional strategies (marketing, financial, personnel); Student’s independent work in professional module’s disciplines Investigation of the problem, writing of a theme, a reference paper
Ability to work in a collective, perceiving social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences with tolerance; Participation in developing and realization of a set of events of operation nature in accordance with the entity’s strategy; Academic practice
Ability to find organization-managerial solutions and readiness to bear responsibility for them from the position of social significance of decisions taken Planning of activities of the entity and divisions thereof; Production practice Use of strategic tools for analysis, goal-setting and activity planning
Ability to project organizational structures, take part in developing of management strategies, to plan and realize events, to distribute and delegate powers Formation of entities’ organizational and managerial structures; Production practice Developing of the project within the program
Mastering of the strategic analysis skills, developing and realization of entities’ strategies aimed at competitiveness provision Developing and realization of projects aimed at development of the entity (plant, governmental or municipal body); Scientific-research work Writing of an article
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