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Improving The Model Of The Enterprise Crisis Management

Table 2:

The content of the crisis management process at an enterprise Average score
SE ME LE total
1 The process of crisis management at an enterprise is continuous 6,8 5,5 8,0 6,8
2 Methodology for recognizing, evaluating and forecasting problems of an enterprise 6,3 5,0 8,5 6,6
- The financial position of the company is diagnosed 6,7 7,0 8,5 7,4
- Environmental factors of the enterprise are diagnosed 7,3 4,8 7,7 6,6
- The quality of the region where the enterprise operates is diagnosed 6,2 3,7 8,0 6,0
- The relationship between the company and its counterparties is diagnosed 7,5 6,5 7,6 7,2
- The factors of the internal institutional environment, informal relationships with employees and counterparties are diagnosed 5,2 4,6 6,9 5,6
3 State of the internal and external environment of the enterprise is projected 6,3 6,6 7,8 6,9
4 There is a methodology for recognizing, evaluating and forecasting the capabilities of an enterprise in the internal environment 7,5 4,6 8,5 6,9
5 There is a methodology for recognizing, evaluating and forecasting enterprise capabilities in the external environment 5,2 3,6 7,6 5,5
6 Based on the identified problems and opportunities “pilot” (urgent, low-cost) measures are applied to reduce these problems or to use these opportunities 4,7 6,6 7,7 6,3
- There is on-going work to create conditions both within and outside the organization which will prevent or initially weaken the crisis 5,5 6,0 7,4 6,3
- The system of self-development and continuous improvement of staff motivation 3,7 5,0 6,4 5,0
- Provocative crisis management is carried out 0,5 2,1 2,7 1,8
7 All identified problems are ranked according to the severity of the consequences for the enterprise and the urgency of their elimination. 7,0 6,9 8,0 7,3
8 The company is currently in a state of apparent crisis. 1,8 2,3 2,7 6,8
9 The company has previously experienced crisis situations. 5,2 4,0 5,6 4,9
10 The company has an anti-crisis service (anti-crisis team). 3,3 2,1 6,8 4,1
11 During a crisis an enterprise develops a crisis management plan with executors and intermediate performance indicators. 4,8 5,0 8,2 6,0
12 A crisis situation determines the development of a technology to solve crisis management tasks. 5,5 3,9 8,7 6,0
13 The quality and quantity of available resources (material, financial, labor) is evaluated. 8,3 7,6 9,1 8,3
14 Contingency reserve is created. 6,3 7,5 7,2 7,0
15 The impact of the external environment is taken into account and relations with contractors and the public are established 6,5 6,3 7,8 6,9
16 Anti-crisis plans are being adjusted and improved. 5,8 5,6 9,1 6,8
17 The company possesses a strategy. 6,7 5,9 9,6 7,4
18 The company's strategy is adjusted to reflect the experienced crisis situations. 4,3 5,9 8,4 6,2
19 Corporate unification is enhanced and CSR is increased with the aim to improve the resilience of the enterprise to future crises. 5,3 6,1 8,8 6,7
20 The company longs for a high image and wants to win the recognition of contractors and the public. 7,5 8,2 9,5 8,4
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