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Support Of Decision-Making Process On The Basis Of Neural Network Technology

Table 1:

Stage № Name of a stage The realized (reached) functions, in aspects:
Marketing Design Production Other functions
00 Planning Clarification of market conditions and opportunities. Definition of segments of the market Choice of the platform and architecture of future product. Assessment of new technologies Identification of production restrictions. Development of strategy Research: demonstration of available technologies. Financial: installation of the planned purposes
01 Development of the concept Detection of needs of users. Definition of key users. Identification of the competing products Research of feasibility of the offered concepts. Creation of the concept of design. Creation and testing of models and prototypes Estimation of cost of production of a product. Assessment of feasibility of production of a product Financial: assistance to carrying out the economic analysis. Legal: patent researches
02 System design Development of the plan of release of additional accessories and expansion of family of production. Installation of target reference points for the price of sales Consideration of alternative architecture of a product. Definition of the main subsystems and interfaces. Definition of the scheme of production. Calculation of the planned costs Financial: participation in carrying out the analysis of expediency of independent production. Service: identification of possible problems in service
03 Working draft Development of the marketing plan Definition of geometry of a product. Installation of admissions. Creation of the project documentation Definition of processes of production. Definition of processes of quality control. -
04 Tests and operational development Development of advertizing materials. Participation in operational tests (consumer testing) Tests of operational qualities. Modification of design following the results. Obtaining necessary certificates Assistance to the transfer of production to an operating mode. Working off of processes of production. Training of production personnel. Improvement of processes of quality control Sale: development of the sales plan
05 Transfer of production to an operating mode Distribution of prototypes Assessment of prototypes Beginning of operations on production start -
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