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The Blockchain As A Digital Technological Platform For Electronic Government Development

Table 1:

Level of use Advantages and prospects Essence
Strategic Transparency Open access to data. Transaction history remains visible and all nodes have a full set of transactions.
Reduction of offences Hacks or unauthorized changes are difficult to implement unnoticed because the information is stored in several registers, which are stored in different places.
Reduction of corruption Storing data in distributed registries prevents corruption by having clear rules for changing data that cannot be manipulated.
Organizational Increase of trust The credibility of the process increases due to the enhanced control because it’s impossible to change the recording and to check data by multiple nodes.
Transparency and verifiability Ability to track transaction history and to audit transactions. Also, the presence of several registers allows you to access to check the consistency and reliability of the data.
The greater capacity of prediction As historical information is fully available, its availability increases the ability to predict.
Enhanced control Strengthening control by the need for consensus to add a transaction.
Clearly defined rules The management system clearly defines how information can be changed.
Economic Reduction Cost Conducting the costs and verifying the transaction can be reduced because no human involvement is required.
Increased resistance to spam and DDOS attacks A higher level of fault tolerance and security reduce the cost of measures to prevent attacks.
Informational The integrity of the data and higher quality data The information, stored in the system, corresponds to the objective reality due to the need for a consensus vote in the implementation of transactional operations and distributed nature of storage records. This results in improved data quality.
Reduction of the " human factor» Automatic transaction management and automated transaction execution reduces possible operators’ errors.
Access to information The information is stored in several places, which can facilitate access and increase its speed.
Privacy The user can be anonymous by providing encryption keys or providing access rights so that other users cannot view the information.
Reliability Data is stored in multiple locations. Consensus mechanisms ensure that information is changed when and only when all parties concerned agree.
Technological Resistance Resistance to malicious behavior.
Security Because data is stored in multiple databases, the use of encryption becomes more complex. At the same time, the probability of simultaneous hacking of several databases is significantly lower.
The constancy and the permanence (immutability) After the data was recorded in the Blockchain, they cannot silently change or remove. In addition, the same data is stored in multiple registers.
Reduced of energy consumption Network power consumption is reduced by improving efficiency and transaction mechanisms.
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