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Drivers Of Green Economic Growth: Global Challenges In Local Context

Table 1:

Trends of green economic growth Drivers of green economic growth
internal external
1. Ecotourism in the form of eco-settlements, agrotourism and eco-travel - Natural potential of the city or municipal district for the development of ecological tourism- Search by the local population for such types of organization of recreation for tourists in recreational areas that would minimize the negative effect on the environment and promote the development of small forms of management with a low level of initial investment - Increasing demand in society for alternative forms of recreation and tourism, organized on the principles of ecological neutrality, preservation of the cultural characteristics of the visited territories and consideration of the interests of local residents- The growing popularity of environmental goods and services in society- improvement of environmental legislation
2. Production of environmentally friendly products - Increasing demand for environmentally friendly products- Voluntary environmental certification of local food industry - Ordering, updating and partial raising of state standards for food production in Russia- increasing the popularity of healthy nutrition ideas in the society, consumption of natural and environmentally friendly products- Raising environmental standards for food industry enterprises- Prospects for the entry into force of the Law "On Organic Products and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"
3. Increase in the number and total capacity of green energy facilities - Favorable climatic conditions for the use of power plants on renewable energy sources- Successful practices of local community members in the field of installation and operation of solar panels and wind power plants- Frequent technological outages of the central power supply- Accidents of power lines associated with emergency situations - Remoteness from points of connection to the central energy supply network- Consumer restrictions on the connected power- Increase in electricity tariffs
4. Environmentally neutral public and private transport - The growing demand of the local community to increase the level of environmental cleanliness of the transport system- Increasing the popularity in the local community of ecologically neutral types of movement in the city space: walking, cycling, using electric vehicles - Tax and other incentives for the use of electric vehicles by individuals and companies;- Higher prices for gasoline and diesel fuel;- Lower prices and increase the popularity of electric vehicles in society
5. "Green" zones development (park economy) - The growing demand of the local community for park zones within a city- Increasing the popularity of the concept of conservation of natural landscapes with the integrated development of the municipality- The conflict between the long-term interests of the local population and the medium-term goals of the economic activities of construction companies, associated with the negative consequences of scattering of the territory or improper building of recreational lands- Development of local volunteering initiatives - Climate change and increase in average annual temperatures in urban and rural areas- An increase in the number of natural disasters compared with previous periods of observation in the relevant area
6. Solid waste management - The lack of space for solid waste in the municipality- Negative externalities for the health and life quality of local population, associated with the expansion of solid municipal waste landfills- A significant deterioration in the appearance of the urban or rural settlement due to the presence of landfills - The ongoing process of a fundamental change in legislation in the field of separate collection, removal and disposal of municipal solid waste- High volatility of tariffs for the export of municipal solid waste- The threat of an incinerator within the municipality
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