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Role Of Stakeholders In Transition Of Russian Companies To The Sustainable Development

Table 1:

Social aims and purposes of companies Programs, projects, measures
Attractiveness and competitiveness provision of compensational social shareholding . Satisfaction of company needs in profoundly qualified staff for current and strategic purposes decision . International and Russian standards correspondence in the fields of human rights maintenance. Contribution in sustainable development of the company functioning territory (Sakhalin region) Effective and well-timed estimation of impact on social sphere and health of staff. – Provision of staff health safety. – Availability of secure and confidential ways for all interested parties for expression of concern or compliant or message about facts of disparity. – Payment system for work and bonus of the staff, social guarantees, benefits and compensations. – Measures of development and training staff.– Provision of gender equity and absence of discrimination in all aspects in employment practices. – Administration of compliant mechanisms.– Measures on social impact management.– Complex of measures on industrial security and labor safety. Programs on staff health safety (estimation of risks for health, industrial hygiene, arrangement of medical examination, extraordinary medical reaction, programs of voluntary medical insurance, and disease prevention, etc.). – Code of business ethics. Resistance to bribery and corruption. – Safety provision and human rights maintenance.– Policy of conflicts interests. Practices of interaction with the interested parties, including open social consultations and public reporting on sustainable development. Programs/projects of foreign social investments.
Public joint-stock company «Gasprom-Оil»
Human resources potential development of the company. – Level increase of industrial security and labor safety, lowering injury rate, accident rate, occupational diseases. Maintenance of the local functioning company territory, assistance to social economical development of regions. Projects in the field of human resources potential of the company and region (including social educational projects «Mathematical progression» and «Multiplying talents»). Maintenance of responsible business principles. Program of achievement “Aims-zero”, introduction of advances technologies, production control and security culture development. Implementation of complex programs of social investments «Hometowns» (projects in the field of culture, education, public health, development of urban environment, etc.).
Public joint-stock company «Lukoil»
– Necessary quantity of profoundly qualified staff provision. – Worthy labor conditions provision. – Implementation of employee potential and preservation of need on the labor market. Increase of health service quality of population in the regions. – Increase of educational quality in the local communities. Increase of citizens social activity to decide social problems, assistance of social culture development of indigenous population of small peoples of North, Syberia and Far East. Participation in the programs and initiatives to move targets of sustainable development. – Maintenance of social entrepreneurship. Program of industrial security, improvement of labor conditions and security, prevention and elimination of emergency. Social programs «Health care », «Housing», «Pension scheme», «Voluntary health insurance». Program on work with young workers and specialists. The program of human resources potential development. Housing program. The projects of health centres supporting. Annual supporting health centres in the regions of the Russian Federation. – Integrated purpose-oriented program of group «Lukoil» on work with young workers and specialist from 2008 to2017.Corporative system of knowledge management. Integrated program of group «Lukoil» interaction with educational enterprises of higher education of oil-gas, chemical and energetic profile. Indigenous population and small peoples of North program supporting.– Social partnership program «Аrai» и «Аkniet» (Uzbekistan). The program of charity activity (museums, theatres, creative collectives, child welfare and health Centres institutions, etc.). – The competition of social and culture projects. – Programs of leading sports teams supporting and popularization of healthy style of life .
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