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Development Of Innovative Traits Of University Students During An Educational Process

Table 1:

No Purpose Description
1 Collection of primary data, formation of control and experimental groups Psychological testing using the methods “Evaluation of creative personality characteristics” and “Evaluation of divergent thinking” suggested by F. Williams, “Self-assessment scale of innovative personality traits” (Lebedeva & Tatarko, 2009)
2 Development of creative thinking skills (flexibility and originality) Main part: exercises "Original use" and "Improvement of the subject"
3 Deeper understanding of professional activities Main part: exercises “What can happen?”, “Professional qualities of an economist”
4 Formation of stress tolerance under uncertainty Main part: exercises "Incredible situations", "Economic change"
5 Development of self-presentation and public speaking skills Main part: the exercise "Logo", presentation of biographies
6 Development of creative thinking skills (fluency, elaboration, creativity) Main part: the exercise "Methods of Action", "Six Hats of Thinking" (Hughes, 2012), "Thoughts about the economy"
7 Development of critical thinking, forecasting ability, increasing the value of the future, team interaction skills Main part: the exercise “Prognostic Project”, the use of the focal object method in teamwork
8 Practicing self-presentation and public speaking skills Main part: protection of works performed by the method of focal objects. The focal object was chosen by the students themselves. The prerequisites were as follows: writing of the functional features and description of an invention, design of the written part of the work, presentation and protection.
9 Collection of secondary data, comparison of control and experimental groups to assess the effectiveness of the experimental program Repeated psychological testing using the methods “Evaluation of creative personality characteristics” and “Evaluation of divergent thinking” suggested by F. Williams, “Self-assessment scale of innovative personality traits” (Lebedeva & Tatarko, 2009)
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