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Ethic Characteristics Of Decision-Making By Students In Situation Of Moral Choice

Table 1:

Parameters (scales) Average indicators of student morality
in the whole group girls boys
I (morality index) 38.35 33.01 45.12
P (number of positive responses) 15.66 10.33 19.27
U (number of equivocal replies) 9.05 12.32 7.7
O (number of negative replies) 7.31 9.32 5.14
V(will component, constructive solutions) 1.10 0.72 1.46
VM (external motives, duty, social norms, law, consequences) 1.92 1.676 2,21
VNM (internal motives, conscience, heart, feeling of guilt) 1,86 1,92 1.81
NR (moral relativism. ‘Do as you like most or prefer’) 1.46 1.72 1.21
RAC (rationalization- improvement) 0 0 0
A- (negative emotions) 1.82 2.41 1.28
T (unwillingness to influence the actions of the hero of the situation, alienation, everyone decides on his/her own) 1.46 1.21 1.72
F (general advice, excuse) 2.02 2.08 2
E (advice to make a positive choice, but in case of a possibility) 1.11 1.01 1.26
M (advice to eliminate feelings, emotions, isolation) 0 0 0
A+ (positive emotions, approval, praise) 1.52 1.61 1.46
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