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Valence Of English Nouns Derived From Trivalent Verbs

Table 1:

No Semantics groups of BVs Examples Amount
absolute %
1. Action
1.1. speaking to explain → explanation ‘объяснение’ 372 43
1.2. transfer of a material object to sell → sell trade ‘→ trading 325 37.6
1.3. Causing physical or social actions to kill → killing, to claim → claiming 68 7.9
1.4. Movement in space and time to postpone ‘→ postponement, to transfer → transference 23 2.6
1.5. Specific physical action to write ‘→ writing, to show ‘показывать’ → show ‘показ’ 22 2.5
1.6. Sociative or intersubject action to struggle ‘бороться’ → struggle, to save → saving 20 2.3
2. Interpersonal communication to help → help ‘ 17 2
3. Intellectual state to think → thinking 11 1.3
4. Modal component to permit → permission 7 0.8
Total 865 100
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