The article presents analysis of Khakass folk costume as a traditional culture phenomenon. Description and names of main types of national clothing are given. Khakass costume complexes are viewed in parallel with similar complexes of other Turkic peoples’ costume. The common Turk component based on the complex, and later the Mongolian influence formed the Khakass costume. There are parallels in Khakass costume with costumes of Tatars, Altaians, Buryats, Tuvans, peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Western Siberia and the Urals. Formation of complexes of traditional clothing of the Khakas was greatly influenced by the way of life and natural and climatic conditions, reflected in its utilitarian practicality and functionality. Fur and wool long-field clothing was adapted to climatic conditions of the existence place of nomads and to constant riding. Ideas about protective functions were clearly manifested in traditions of the manufacture and wearing of Khakass folk costume, both in the literal sense, as protection from the external environment, and in a magic sense – as protection from external, invisible, hostile forces. The traditional costume of the Khakas in the traditional worldview was a three-part model of the world, where each element is located in accordance with the system, and is a kind of symbol. To date, deformation tendencies of the national costume have been noted, and lexical units serving for its designation fall into the archaisms category. The article presents some solutions for preserving and developing manufacturing traditions, names of Khakass costume, serving as an example for other ethnic groups.
Keywords: KhakasethnostraditionalcultureclothesTurks
The study of lexical and value semantic foundations, the preservation and transmission of traditional cultures of various ethnic groups in the growing trends context of globalization, standardization, modernization are the current areas of modern science. The modern era is characterized by the rapid development of computer technology and information media, the acceleration of the work pace and the life rhythm, resulting in traditional cultures leveling. As practice shows, the lack of knowledge about both native culture and another culture is a misunderstanding source, conflicts and crises in the process of intercultural communication. The ability to navigate in different types of cultures, to interpret the phenomena and facts of native and other cultures adequately, to compare and draw conclusions about the common and specific in the system of linguistic and cultural values of peoples contribute to solving a number of problems arising on national soil.
One of the unique and individual traditional culture element of any nation is national dress. The national clothes peculiarity of each nation is that it is closely connected with the lifestyle of the ethnic group, and the traditions of its creation as nomination, cut, decor - are the result of collective folk art. Therefore, the traditional costume serves as a way of preserving, reproducing and transmitting ethnic culture and language in the course of a change of generations and has its own unique features that have been formed under the influence of many factors. In addition, it is clothing that is a kind of calling card for every nation, as evidenced by wise folk sayings: Rus.
The Khakases are a Turkic ethnos, mainly living in the Republic of Khakassia, which is located in the valleys of the Yenisei and Abakan rivers. It borders with Kemerovo region in the north-west, in the south and south-west - with the Altai Mountains and Tyva. The southern border of Khakassia passes along the ridges of the West Sayana. The history of the Khakass ethnos with its roots goes far back in time. The territory of Khakassia was inhabited even before our era. The ancient population of Khakassia reached a very significant cultural level at that time. This is evidenced by numerous burial mounds, rock paintings, art products made of gold and bronze. The history of the Khakas origin is still being investigated and controversial among historians, but we will not deepen into this problem and take as a basis the generally accepted facts that the origins of the ethnic group can be traced back to around I BC up to V century of our era. During the XVIII - XIX centuries the formation process of the Khakass people and Khakass language was happening. Groups that already had linguistic, cultural, everyday and territorially common characteristics that had arisen during the preceding centuries united. Therefore, it can be argued that the national costume of the Khakass ethnos was formed during this period. In the Khakass costume, as well as in the costumes of other Turkic speaking peoples, common archaic elements due to which it is possible to trace the ethnogenetic and historical ties of the Khakas are preserved, (Figure
The national costume as the ethnocultural tradition keeper of the people contains the most valuable collection elements of the social and cultural heritage that have been preserved and passed down from generation to generation over the course of several centuries. The traditions and customs of the Khakas, reflected in the manufacture, wearing, nomination of traditional costume, have always relied on the system of value orientations and ethnic group worldview, where people and the surrounding world are considered as a whole entity.
Speaking of the traditional culture, the ethnic group language should be paid attention to. Therefore, to understand the historical importance of the costume, it is necessary to involve a certain terminology, since the exact meaning of the term, its etymology allows to penetrate deeper into the idea underlying the garment denoted by this term, reveal its ethnic roots. In the word as a carrier of meaning and representation of the thought about the object of reality, formation and development traces of the designated thing are preserved due to different degrees.
Thus, the national culture, in particular the traditional costume, expressing people interests, contains the phenomena assessment of the surrounding world, moral, aesthetic, historical, humanistic, cultural and lexical values as reference points for peoples.

Problem Statement
The problem of the study is determined by the real contradiction between the unifying effect of modern globalization and the essence identification of lexical and value semantic foundations of the national costume in order to preserve and develop both the costume and the lexical units that serve to designate it and its elements. The lexical units of this thematic group respond to the slightest changes in the life of a people related to the conditions of the environment, climate, and spiritual life. The study of traditional clothing vocabulary is of scientific importance from the standpoint of the language history and the history of the ethnic group. The study of the traditional clothing vocabulary, as well as the clothing itself, in a comparative plan with other nations will help clarify the presence and characteristics of cultural and linguistic ties. Similar terminology is being archaic or completely out of use today from the Khakas people. In addition, according to UNESCO, the Khakas language is listed in the Red Book, that is included in the group of endangered languages (Borgoyakova & Guseynova, 2012). According to the existing Russian classifications of indigenous peoples languages, the Khakass language traditionally belongs to the group of languages having a favorable prognosis of development and vitality. It is worth noting that the language situation in the Republic of Khakassia, recorded by population censuses and research by scientists, is characterized by a steady decline in those who speak the Khakass language. The problem of a folk costume existence today consists of two polar, but undivided ideas: on the one hand, in its preservation as part of the cultural and linguistic heritage, and on the other hand, in its development and renewal. Folk costume, like other elements of culture, is in dynamics, constantly changing, and the idea of keeping it unchanged threatens the consequences of turning the costume into a dead museum piece. As E. Shatsky notes, “The tradition lives only when it is renewed, and the innovation has no other way to survive as to prove its organic nature, rootedness in the culture and achieve the of the tradition status, develop a mechanism for mutual adaptation of the tradition in a particular place and time” (Shatsky, 1990). Modern changes in the Khakass traditional costume are primarily associated with the development of new materials. The material is one of the sustainable parts of the traditional clothing system. In this regard, the Khakass costume almost had no change; since the costume is extremely variable on everything new that appears in culture and society, especially recently, the material was enriched with modern elements, being a phenomenon of both the past culture and the present. The color range also changes, for instance, first, for Khakass embroidery background black or natural beige background mode of dressed sheepskin was used, but now the basis color of embroidery for modern masters can be any, therefore, the embroidery color itself is also changed. These changes in the traditional costume slightly change its tradition and style. However, recently deformation tendencies of the traditional Khakass folk costume, its elements, traditional embroidery have been noted, where traditions and the canon of their manufacture are not preserved. Of course, in some cases, you can complain about the individual style of some craftsmen, which depends on their creative abilities and desires. But an attempt to reproduce the traditional virtues of folk costumes should be based on its deep study. The proposed research is aimed at solving the problems of preserving, promoting and using the essence of the Khakass costume phenomenon, its semantic and linguistic potential of both tangible and intangible historical and cultural heritage. The research object is the lexical and structural semantic foundations of the national Khakass costume as a means of translating ethnocultural values. The subject of the research is national costume in traditional culture of the Khakases.
Research Questions
The peculiarity of the traditional folk costume is its completeness. Each component, having a specific purpose, was part of a specific whole. Ways of wearing and connecting the components of clothing, the variation of elements depended on the season, life situations associated with everyday life, religious rituals, and expressed local specificity, originality of the national costume. One of the main factors influencing the formation of the ethnos lifestyle, its culture, costume, is the natural climatic conditions and traditional forms of economic activity. Since the function of clothing is protection from natural climatic conditions, it corresponded to the climate in which the ethnos lived. In addition, as the researchers note, among historically unrelated peoples belonging to different linguistic groups, but living in the same natural conditions, there is more similarity than of distant groups of the same ethnic group. It affects the costume in a certain way, it is the nature that has a unifying effect on the formation process of the artistic forms, regardless of where and when this process occurs. The main coat of the Khakases was a “tone” fur coat, used in all seasons because of the cold climate. A.A. Kuznetsova writes about the fur coat: “The cover of the foreign fur coat, which is often worn in summer, is very peculiar and adapted mainly for riding” (Kuznetsova, 1898). We will find the confirmation that the fur coat was the main and significant complex of the traditional costume of the Khakas in the language material: the basis of the verb тонанарға «to wear» is the тон «fur coat». The term
The generalized concept of shoes in Khakas is denoted by the word
The image of the “world tree” organizes the spatial environment as a three-part model: the upper world, the middle world and the lower world. In the Khakas worldview, this model of the world origin has come down to us in the famous legend of two ducks. One of them (Ulgen) sends another (Erlik) for sand to the bottom of the river. The sand that the first duck received from the second one, she beats up with a beater for nine days, and as a result earth forms. Duck Erlik concealed some of the sand for herself. The sand, which she kept, turned into high mountains. In punishment for deception, the first duck did not give her land to live. The guilty duck nevertheless begged for the earth the size of a cane trail, pierced the ground and went into the hole. So they delimited habitats and spheres of influence. And in the traditional clothing of the Khakas there is a clear three-part division in the decor and elements of clothing and is emphasized by the following subject codes: headdress - Upper world, belt - Middle, hem and shoes - Lower world.
The correlation of the headdress with the sacred top, known from the ancient Türkic time, made this object an obligatory attribute during prayer, and a necessary attribute of the shaman's clothes. The Sayan Altai peoples, during the shaman’s ritual, had the hat as the deputy man, the shaman put the requested souls to the hat, so the headdress becomes a bowl and realizes the idea of “fullness ”, becomes symbolic fertility carriers (Lvova, Oktyabrskaya, Sagalaev, & Usmanova, 1988).
The female festive hat of Khakass matchmaker
It was allegorically said about the imminent death of the hero in Khakass алыптығ нымахах – heroic tales. The following example is presented in the shamanic address to the goddess Umai, where the shaman, asking for a long life for children, speaks:
The idea of the clothing integrity, as the integrity of a person protection, is connected with the ideas of the Khakas that torn things belonged to the world of the dead and became whole in the land of the dead. In accordance with these ideas, the dead were buried in a dress around it, and the fur coat was worn inside the hollow up. This was done because the characteristics of the Lower World in the Khakass worldview are opposite for the inhabitants of the average: “any disorder, destruction, quarrel, vice attract the inhabitants of the Lower World. Therefore, one should not use cracked dishes, wear dirty, torn clothes, walk with buttons not buttoned ... pass a wriggled dress, turn over the clothes, etc. "( Lvova, Oktyabrskaya, Sagalaev & Usmanova, 1988).
It is believed that one can easily subject a person to deterioration through a certain effect on his clothing. Therefore, damage or loss of clothing may foreshadow the misfortune or illness of its owner. The Khakas propose the idea that it is not recommended to wear the clothes of a sick person or a person from the clan, where they often get sick because you can get the disease, the "sick soul" of this person. It was obligatory to wash things carefully and hold them over an open fire in order to clean such clothes. It was believed that the spirit of fire would cleanse it. An important detail of traditional clothing was the belt tied at the waist, which, according to the ideas prevalent in the territory of Southern Siberia, was the main difference between the people of the middle world: the inhabitants of the sky were wearing it under the arms, the inhabitants of the underworld - on the hips (Lvova, Oktyabrskaya, Sagalaev, & Usmanova, 1988).
Khakas heroic tales used the term «khur» – belt that meant warriors combining, apparently by kinship. Almost the same term was used to denote the tribal nomadic ails of the Mongols (Sunchugashev, 1981). Thus, this term summed the concepts such as "belt", "circle", "protection" and so on. The semantic meaning of belt "protection" is manifested in the customary of a compulsory girding of all men who are present at the funeral and a widow wore a mourning belt at her husband's funeral (usually a married woman was forbidden to gird). These customs are explained by the fact that it was necessary to close your soul so that the soul of the deceased would not pull it along. The protective function of the belt can also be traced in the beliefs of the Khakas, which included the fact that when the baby slept during the day, no one was at home, a belt (khur) was put across the cradle; at night it was done anyway. It was believed that the belt protects the soul of the child. If, nevertheless, the child is frightened of something, then special rituals are held over him - khurailaschalar . The term "khurailashchalar" does not have a literal translation and refers to the process of purification from evil spirits. The word «
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is a complex lexical, historical and cultural reconstruction and the identification of historically determined changes in the functions of the Khakass national costume, which has methods of coding, storing and transmitting of ethnocultural values; preservation, popularization and use of the phenomenon essence of the national costume, its semantic and linguistic potential as a valuable tangible and intangible historical and cultural heritage of the ethnic group.
Research Methods
Various methods of linguistic analysis and methods aimed at solving cultural problems are used in the study. The first group of methods includes comparative and historical, descriptive and etymological, which consist of the following methods: comparison of related languages lexemes that are close in sound, considering the meanings expressed by them; comparison and matching of interacting languages, revealing sources of borrowing. The above methods reveal the peculiarities of the lexical semantic and morphological structure and contribute to the identification of word-formation models, the establishment of regularities of the lexical semantic development of many Khakas terms. The second group of methods includes the descriptive method, which allows you to define a group of objects that served as the basis for conducting analytical operations; the method of historical reconstruction, which allows to study the functioning of the costume in a specific historical context; comparative historical method to help identify common signs in the costume of the Khakas and other nations;
Khakass traditional costume is the result of the collective creative activity of many previous generations of the ethnic group, the embodiment of the “cultural memory” of distant ancestors; its definition took place simultaneously with the formation of the Khakas ethnos and the Khakas language for a long time from ethnic groups that. had common linguistic and cultural characteristics in the XVIII –XIX centuries.
The traditional costume of the Khakas was a three-part model of the world, where each element is located in accordance with the system and is a kind of symbol.
The traditional costume contains an assessment of the phenomena of the surrounding world, moral, aesthetic, historical, humanistic and cultural values as reference points for the people. The traditions and customs of the Khakas, which are reflected in the manufacture and wearing of traditional costumes, have always relied on the system of value orientations and the ethnic group worldview, where the person and the surrounding world are considered as a whole.
Folk costume stands out as a sustainable means of storing and transmitting a complex set of information in which the utilitarian, aesthetic, ideological, religious aspects.
The Khakas costume development is associated with the stages of historical and cultural development and due to many factors, the basis of which are the natural and climatic conditions, the communication of cultures, globalization, as well as the phenomena of world mass fashion.
A comparative study of the vocabulary of national clothing reveals and clarifies the integrating and differentiating elements in the context of the compared languages, which indicates a rather close ethnic interconnection of the languages and cultures being compared in the historical past
Modeling and making Khakas clothes using elements of traditional costume with the joint participation of highly qualified specialists: historians, cultural experts, linguists, designers, folk craftsmen make a significant contribution to the development of new principles and techniques of artistic expressiveness of clothes, and also contributes to the preservation and popularization of traditional Khakas culture and language.
Traditional clothing of any nation is one of the manifestations of material and spiritual culture, which reflects traditions, social relations, beliefs, aesthetic norms of an ethnos, which correlates with a certain historical community. The national costume as the keeper of the ethnocultural tradition of the people contains a collection of the most valuable elements of the social and cultural heritage that have been preserved and passed down from generation to generation over the course of several centuries. The formation of the outer clothing complexes of the Khakas was greatly influenced by the natural and climatic conditions, which was reflected primarily in the utilitarian practicality and functionality, which closely relates to the prevailing traditional worldview. Primarily, cut outerwear depends on climatic conditions and basic forms of management. The living conditions greatly influenced the cut of the Khakas dress: narrow sleeves at the wrist are comfortable when working, the short front hem does not interfere when walking, the dress train is practical when horse riding, a loose cut does not hinder movement. At present, the
The Khakas traditions and customs, which are reflected in the manufacture and wearing of traditional costumes, have always relied on the system of value orientations and the ethnic group worldview, where the person and the surrounding world are considered as a whole. The value of the Khakas traditional costume as a reflection of the Khakas mentality lies in the fact that it is closely interconnected with nature. Nature is where the folk masters draw inspiration from; there is no place for disharmony both for the costume or nature; everything is coordinated and interconnected. The common Turk component as the basis of the complex and later the Mongolian influence took part in the formation of the Khakas costume. Parallels in Khakass costume can be made with the costumes of the Tatars, Altaians, Buryats, Tuvans, peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Western Siberia and the Urals. Later, the influence of Russian culture was reflected mainly not in the borrowing of elements of the traditional Russian costume, but in the purchase of ready-made clothes, which was much easier than making one's own. The borrowing process was determined by ethnogenetic ties, changes in the economic structure, the development of new cultural forms and artistic and aesthetic preferences.
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29 March 2019
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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, science, technology, society
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Abdina, R. P., Tuguzhekova, V. N., Beloglazov, P. E., & Kyzlasov, A. S. (2019). Lexical And Value Semantic Bases Of National Costume: Development And Preservation Problems. In D. K. Bataev (Ed.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism, vol 58. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 17-32). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.03.02.3