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Sanction Pressure Influence On Energy Saving Processes And Increase In Energy Efficiency

Table 2:

Scenarios The main characteristics of the scenario
1 Baseline - GDP growth at 1.1% in 2017 and 1.8% in 2018.- Lifting of sanctions in 2018.- Mid-investment activity of Russian companies.- Low possibility to attract foreign investment.- Reducing energy consumption in the implementation of the program of import substitution through the expansion of investment opportunities in companies.
2 Optimistic - GDP growth of 2% in 2017 and in 2018.- Lifting of sanctions in 2017.- High investment activity of Russian companies.- Middle opportunity to attract foreign investment.- A significant reduction in energy consumption while creating a favorable investment climate.
3 Pessimistic - GDP growth of 0.51% in 2017 and 1.7% in 2018.- Lifting of sanctions in 2018- Low investment activity of Russian companies, major investment by the state program of import substitution.- Low possibility to attract foreign investment.- Reducing energy consumption in the implementation of the import substitution program
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