Structural components |
Criteria of evaluation |
Indicators |
Methods of analysis |
Methodology of measurement |
General cultural (regional and sociocultural components) |
Cognitive |
Possession of necessary information about the diversity of cultures, history and social structure of the countries of the language being studied, the ability to analyze and compare different phenomena in other cultures, to reflect on the culture of other countries. |
Testing, midterm and final control, comparison, analysis of results |
Cultural tests, tasks of communicative and socio-cultural orientation, special questionnaires |
Communicative (linguistic-cultural and discursive components) |
Activity |
Possession of national cultural vocabulary, the ability to identify differences in the meaning of words, to adequately apply lexical units and structures in conversation, given the cultural component of their semantics. |
Testing, analysis of the results of communicative tasks, survey |
Lexical tests, communicative tasks of a creative nature, discussions, situational analysis, role-playing games, games-situations |
Strategic (cognitive-cultural and pragmatic components) |
Pragmatic |
The ability to assess verbal and non-verbal behavior, anticipate the reaction of addressee, overcome social stereotypes that make up the norms of speech behavior, be tolerant and positively interact with people from other cultures. |
Questioning, testing |
“Cultural assimilator”, “cultural capsules”, multiple choice tests |