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Optimization Of The Retopspin Performance Biomechanics In Female Juniors In Table Tennis

Table 2:

Technical-tactical element/ Hit stage Initial value Final value Percentage increase
1 Forehand retopspin Preparing the hit <⁰ 134.20 132.56
2 Hitting the ball <⁰ 105.51 106.71
3 End of movement <⁰ 68.75 75.17
4 Time required for the execution in hundredths of a second 31.0 27.4 11.61%
5 Backhand retopspin Preparing the hit <⁰ 86.70 79.79
6 Hitting the ball <⁰ 84.09 85.19
7 End of movement <⁰ 136.48 129.95
8 Time required for the execution in hundredths of a second 26 23 11.54%
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