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Transformational Leadership And Organizational Innovation: The Mediating Effect Of Positive Psychological Capital

Table 4:

Charisma Motivation Intellectual Encouragement Individual Attention Optimism Self-Efficacy Psy. Resilience Hope Positive Psy.l Capital Transformational Leadership Org. Innovation
Charisma 1
Motivation ,729** 1
Intellectual Encouragement ,679** ,760** 1
Individual Attention ,650** ,713** ,748** 1
Optimism ,175** ,182** ,188** ,160** 1
Self-Efficacy ,312** ,283** ,266** ,228** ,049 1
Psy. Resilience ,232** ,303** ,228** ,270** ,062 ,636** 1
Hope ,326** ,401** ,294** ,366** ,140* ,408** ,533** 1
Positive Psy. Capital ,375** ,418** ,352** ,366** ,518** ,736** ,785** ,719** 1
Transformational Leadership ,876** ,917** ,818** ,886** ,193** ,305** ,303** ,410** ,433** 1
Organizational Innovation ,120* ,171** ,129* ,238** ,135* ,147* ,192** ,251** ,261** ,200** 1
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