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The Correlations Between Environmentalist Consumer Behavior And Personal Values

Table 3:

Variables Factor Loading Egien Value Variance %
Factor 1: Avoiding Harmful Products for The Environment 4,714 17,459
17. I do not buy products in aerosol containers.. 0,763
14. I have convinced members of my family or friends not to buy some products which are harmful to the environment.. 0,747
13. I use a low-phosphate detergent (or soap) form y laundry. 0,732
15. I have replaced light bulbs in my home with those of smaller wattage so that I will conserve on the electricity I use. 0,665
Factor 2: Recyclable Product Awareness 4,416 16,355
22. I buy Kleenex made from recycled paper. 0,937
23. I buy paper towels made from recycled paper. 0,937
21. I buy toilet paper made from recyled paper. 0,908
24. I will not buy a product if the company that sells it is ecologically irresponsible. 0,612
26. I try only to buy products that can be recycled. 0,529
Factor 3: Tendency to Save Energy and Resources 3,885 14,389
7. I have tried very hard to reduce the amount of electricity I use. 0,838
1. To save energy, I drive my car as little as possible.. 0,764
2. I normally make a conscious effort to limit my use of products that are made of or use scarce resources. 0,635
3. I try to buy energy efficient household appliances. 0,585
4. I always try to use electric aplliances (e.g. dishwasher, washer and dryer) before a.m. and after 10 p.m. 0,549
8. If I understand the potential damage to the environment that some products can cause, I do not purchase these products. 0,508
Factor 4: Avoiding Packing and Non-Product Wastes 3,419 12,664
6. When there is a choice, I always choose that product which contributes to the least amount of pollution. 0,782
9. I have switched products for ecological reasons. 0,695
5. I will not buy products which have excessive packaging. 0,659
18. Whenever possible, I buy products packaged in reusable containers.. 0,515
Factor 5: The Preference of Environment-Friendly Product 3,383 12,528
12. I have purchased a household appliance because it uses less electricity than other brands.. 0,661
16. I have purchased products because they cause less pollution. 0,628
20. When I have a choice between two equal products, I always purchase the one which is less harmful to other people and the environment. 0,624
25. I have purchased light bulbs that were more expensive but saved energy. 0,603
TOTAL 73.396
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