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Differences In Entrepreneurial Intention And Characteristics According To Demographics And Other Factors

Table 7:

Entrep. Course N Mean Std. Deviation t Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference
Entrepreneurial Intention Yes 198 3.6902 1.09722 3.415 0.001 0.3243
No 409 3.3659 1.09683
Need for Achievement Yes 198 4.4428 .69693 1.499 0.134 0.08661
No 409 4.3562 .65265
Innovativeness Yes 198 4.3005 .73366 2.059 0.04 0.13465
No 409 4.1659 .76554
Need for Autonomy Yes 198 3.9333 .79797 1.603 0.109 0.10497
No 409 3.8284 .73523
Propensity to Take Risks Yes 198 3.3232 .89330 4.651 0.001 0.36398
No 409 2.9593 .90889
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