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The Relationship Among Cultural Values, Emotional Intelligence And Job Outcomes

Table 2:

Variables Items F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12
Coll 1 .571
Coll 2 .633
Collectivizm Coll 3 .843
Coll 4 .802
Coll 5 .742
Coll 6 .712
UA1 .766
Unc. Avo. UA2 .855
UA3 .891
UA 5 .621
Mas 1 .665
Masculinity Mas 2Mas 3 .708.776
Mas 4 .623
PD 1 .468
Power dist. PD 2 .645
PD 3 .526
Long-term O. LTO 1LTO 2LTO 3LTO 4LTO 6 .589.628.752.579.703
Self-emotion appraisal SEA 1SEA 2SEA 3SEA 4 .830.874.815.616
Others emotional appraisal OEA1OEA2OEA3OEA4 .783.845.663.767
Regulation of emotion RoE 1RoE 2RoE 3 .557.654.839
RoE 4 .813
Use of emotion UoE 1UoE 2UoE 3UoE 4 .788.879.623.820
Internal satisfaction IS 4IS 7IS 8IS 9IS 10 .718.669.513.805.719
External satisfaction ES 14ES 15ES 16ES 18ES 19ES 20 .595.680.736.577.766.759
Performance PER 2PER 3PER 4PER 5PER 6 .775.654.752.815.647
Fıt Indexes CFI: .903 IFI: .904 TLI: .90 PNFI: .72 RMSEA: .043
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