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Topical Usage Of Contract Lifecycle Management In Housing And Russian Utility Sector

Table 1:

The Area of the HUS Development Content
The development of the competitive relations in the sphere of management and maintenance of the housing stock. Nowadays 81.3% of the housing stock is private owned that encourages a more responsible attitude to the housing stock management. The form of management of this stock was chosen by the owners of more than 1.5 million of blocks of flats. The necessary market infrastructure and institutions for the HUS functioning were created and put into service, among them there is Backing Fund of the Housing and Utility Sector Reform, The Federal Foundation For the Promotion of Housebuilding Development and Agency of Mortgage Housing Financing, a publicly held corporation.
The development of the management system of the public-service property complex using the concession arrangements and other mechanisms of Public Private Partnership. At year-end 2016, a property lot placed in management, rent, concession and by other legal rights to the organizations of the public service complex of the privately owned state (municipal) property was 12.8% of the whole volume of the state (municipal) property of HUS.
The accomplishment of converting benefits and subsidies for utilities and communal payments into money that lay in the basis of the HUS reform. These measures are aimed at introducing the market economy mechanisms into the industry and increasing the responsibility of the HUS companies to the people.
The development of the system of resource- and energy-savings. Monitoring of the level of the really used resources is maintained with the help of communal and individual meters.
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