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Voter Participation And Deliberative Campaign In The Election Of Regional Head

Table 5:

No. The pairs of candidates Voters
1. Hj. Badingah, S.SosdanDr. Drs ImawanWahyudi, MH 167.915
2. Benyamin Sudarmadidan Haji Mustangid 98.379
3. H. DjangkungSudjarwadi, SH, LL.M dan Endah Subekti Kuntariningsih, SE 104.440
4. H. Subardi, BA, TS danDr. Ir. H. WahyuPurwanto, MSIE 54.076
Total of valid votes 424.810
Total of invalid votes 9.668
Total of valid and invalid votes 434.478
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