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The Effect Of Breach In Franchise Nyidam Sari Based On Indonesian Law

Table 2:

No. Breach of contract (article 8) Legal effect (article 9) Completion (article 10)
1. If the franchisee does not pay Royalty Fee to the franchisor Obliged to pay the unpaid Royalty Fee to the franchisor no later than one month after the termination of the franchise agreement The legal completion between the franchisor and the franchisee is done by peace and kinship in order to reach a consensus. If this completion is not achieved, then pursued through legal channels in accordance with the legal mechanism in Indonesia.
2. If the franchisor infringes, sells or deflects and the Intellectual Property Rights of the legitimate franchisor Compulsory to pay compensation in accordance with applicable law
3. The franchisor does not run the standard operating procedure (SOP) that the franchisor has assigned to the franchisor To terminate the agreed franchise agreement and all loss of franchisees / franchisee's investment is subject to full franchise / franchisee's risk
4. A franchisor builds, runs a similar business, has similarities or can create competition with a franchise granted and owned by the franchisor To terminate the agreed franchise agreement and all loss of franchisees / franchisee's investment is subject to full franchise / franchisee's risk
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