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Organizational-Pedagogical Conditions For Language Training Of Foreign Students Of Technical Disciplines

Table 1:

Types Of problems Typical problems connected with
Core problems Preparation of foreign students for work as an engineer in Russia
Organization of interconnection of the course study, self-study, study of a subject
Interdisciplinary character of the education content
Coherent speech development on the basis of studying and consideration of cognitive interests and professional needs of foreign students - prospective engineers
Nodular problems Implementation of social and educational functions of engineering at the university: acmeological, diagnostic, compensatory, innovative, prognostic, specialized, consulting, consultative
Multi-functionality, dynamism, forward-looking developmental character of foreign students in relation to objects and subjects of their future professional activity – plants, project and research centers, colleagues
Openness of the professional retraining system, its end-term orientation connected with the solution of burning professional issues, flexibility being identified by the possibility of consideration of objective needs of prospective engineers in their professional and personal development
Resulting problems Correlation of professional retraining with the three objects (subjects): a personality, educational process (educational programs), organizational structure of additional education
Acquisition of new knowledge, language skills, competencies necessary for executing tasks (educational tasks) which are different from those for completion of which a student was admitted to the university
Enabling students to acquire a new professional qualification (depending on the compliance of the basic education with the course of retraining)
Autonomous problems Availability of forward-looking preparation of foreign students according to the new prospective (innovative) trends of education which is to become the basis for practical activity by the new profile – an engineer
Function of the thesis: it is to become an integral part of educational process and from the means of control and assessment of learning activity and turn into a means of cognitive activity stimulation and development of research ability of foreign students, and a means of real involvement into the process of knowledge and skills acquisition and further practical implementation at their professional activities
Absence of professional retraining standard, curricula, transitional modules, educational programs, online courses necessary for professional retraining of foreign students for work as an engineer
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