S1–affiliation with loosely structured associations, secured by many competitive advantagesS2 – historically formed priority of the scientific and educational system in the regionS3 – investment attractiveness of the region, the implementation of major development projects in the regionS4 – higher effectiveness to boost the development of the system |
W1 – underinvestmentW2 – low-pressure regional economy, lack of an adequate system component W3 – high level of physical depreciation of capital and infrastructure elementsW4 – inadequate normative framework |
O1 –the inclusion of individual elements of the system in the international ratingO2 –creation of the regional centers for the collective use of scientific equipmentO3 – the possibility of setting up the basic corresponding departments at enterprises O4 –the engagement of the regional authorities in the development of the scientific and educational system |
Т1– reduction in the number of universities as a result of monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian FederationТ2 – slow adaptation of subjects of the scientific and educational system to rapidly changing conditions Т3 – redundancies in the scientific and educational systemТ4 – the threat of disintegration within the system |